Semi-Official Bio of Poltergeist + Update

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Nickname- Poltergeist
Age- 19
Gender- male
Sexuality- gray-gay (I has learned a new term and fixed an old! I is proud! X3 )

Height- 5'0"

Birthday: 7-3-2017

Personality- has sociopathic tendencies, doesn't show much emotions, but is easily swayed due to very few people. He has a little sass, is clever, overprotective in a subtle and secretive way. He is also a pro at putting on a front and hiding how he really feels, he hardly breaks down, but only around one person.

Appearance- to most, he is transparent, invisible unless he comes into contact with monster dust.

But to those who can see him, he is white boned with grey splashes on his skull, white eye lights, a white and black hooded cloak, white pants and black scarf limbs attached to the hood that he uses to attack with.

Magic- surprisingly, he doesn't have the same magic as other 'sans'', his are quite odd and don't follow the blue attacks that most have. They are as followed:(some may be related to pokemon moves)

Sand Control- he controls sand-like materials to his whim. He can create anything from shadow beings to replica attacks (attacks of other monsters and sans') to recreations of monsters and humans.

Shadow Sneak- he hides within shadows and attacks from behind with his scarf limb or a sand attack.

Strike- attacks with his scarf limb

Voided- he create a portal to or through the void. He can move from au to au this way, but he can't bring any through with him due to the effects the dimension has on monsters and humans. It also has an offensive effect in battle as it also draws anything to its depths.

Sand Staff- A staff made of sand. It has a glass globe at the top and a hidden blade at the bottom. This attack is very unstable in battle, dispersing after a few hard hits, and is hardly used.

Sand View- an ability he had ever since he can remember. He can see past memories in deceased monster dust, which he uses to his advantage to learn attacks and what flusters the opponent.

Likes- sweets, solitude, sand art

Dislikes- everyone in his 'au', NightstepTale, Nightmare, Goth and Pallete, Pastel, the fuzzy memories of his amnesia, any harm towards Krem.

Unsure- Krem....somethings seems off about him and the fuzzy memories.

Attack- 4
Defense- 5
HP- 2

Relationship- none
Family- unknown
Friends- Krem

Current Alternate Universe Versions-

Vampverse- Espirit

Swapverse- Wraith (design under construction)

This is semi-official, this will be edited. Also, he has 2 names, I just need to figure his original one out.....which I still won't tell ya, it'll spoil a certain story. ;3

Also, I got a huge scare on amino about a week ago and I haven't posted on it for a while. Only a few people knew about it and i want it to stay that way, but I'm gonna keep my art on here and a different amino community for a while. My style is also getting rusty (above is old), so I need to practice that, but some men (who have been post pining for two, probably three) are supposed to come to our trailer and take out our old heater, install a new one aaaaaand check our old arse vents.

On the bright side though, I found my Pokemon Black 2 from 2013-14 (it has hacked pokes that I obtained from a dns address cheat I found on the internet (so easy back then), I went through and only picked a few believable ones to keep once I find my buddy who has poke bank on his system, so I can see if they can transfer. B3 ) along with a dead, dried rat/mouse in the vents of my bedroom and bathroom. My mom almost walked away with a squeal when I took the poor thing out the vacuum hose, Lmfao XD.

I warned her when I told her to get meh a plastic baggie, 'Don't forget to close your eyes!'.........she didn't listen. X3

I hoped to also find my White 2 version, the one without hacked...i think.....OR MY GOSH DARN POKEMON CONQUEST THAT I SOOOOOOOO WANT TO REPLAY AND CONTINUE!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!

Ah, memories......anyways, this old trailer of my folks is gonna get fixed-ish (nothing's gonna truly fix this 19+ yr old trailer XD )......but that price tag though. *sharp intake of breath*

Also, my sinus' is stuffed now, all cause of the stupid climate change and my idiocy of running barefoot through cold dew, cold night ground and the changes of the darn seasons. -_-

Why my poor nose?

.........okay, tmi right there......basically, I am catching up on trading on Moon, checking up on Black 2 and mom peeping over muh shoulder asking 'are you done cleaning that room or are you on the internet again?' to draw anyways, sooooooo, character bio's is what you get, yay!

Krem will have stuff added or taken away from his, Drop gets a minor sexuality edit along with maybe something else added, may be adding a new skeleton ship child or two, who knows. *notgonnasaywhothecouplesaresoshush*

May draw a couple adopts I got along with attempting my mascot,Trix(xy) again. I only drew them once and that was for a vote. I'm having trouble again. >_<

Anyways, that's it, seeya later!

Its almost an hour or past midnight, gosh darn! Sam, SLEEP!!!

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