part one - sunset

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„That was fun right?" Justin chuckled as we walked towards his car. I smiled „yea it was, we should do this more often.". 

Justin took me on a date to a amusement park around 30 minutes away from our hometown. I feel so happy to have him by my side, we are a official couple for around 1 month now. It's my first real relationship. Sometimes it's hard cause we both are stubborn, but we love each other and that's what really matters.

„What are you thinking about?" Justin asked looking over to me for a second while driving out the parking lot. He caught me, „I'm thinking bout us." I answered scanning his flawless face. He turned his head to face me, his eyes found mine. It was like everything around us stands still for a second. His perfect lips formed a little smile and found there way to my forehead, kissing it softly.

The sun is slowly setting and the sky turns pink. I leaned my head against the window glass of the car, Justin's hand still laying on my left thigh, slowly falling asleep.

-issa tease, stay tuned next part is coming babes!🤗

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