part three - the morning

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Justin's eyes flattered open, slowly waking up from his deep sleep. He looked down to his left, seeing his girl sleeping. She moved closer to him, pressing her dreaming body into Justin's. A piece of hair fell in her face, Justin removed it carefully, not wanting her to wake up. She looked so beautiful and peaceful, Justin thought.

Suddenly her look changed, her pretty face distorted in a painful way and let a almost agonized breath out. Justin reacted immediately, holding her small body, not knowing what happened. He then thought about the last night, about the things he did, the harsh and rough things. „Fuck" he mumbled, guilt feelings are spreading inside of him.

POV change

I woke up to pain down there, not wanting to move my body. „Justin?-" I asked soft. "I'm here baby" he answered. "My stomach-" I struggled to speak the words. "I hurts right" Justin helped me while carefully stroking my hair. "Mhh..".

"I'm so sorry y/n, I never wanted to hurt you. Watching you in pain breaks my heart." Justin spoke. "I know Jay, it's okay" I mumbled. "No it's not, do you want to take a bath babe" Justin asked solicitous. I nodded my head slightly, hoping it will help the pain. "okay wait here, I'll be right back" he said, kissing my shoulder, grabbing one of his Calvins from his drawer, putting em on, before walking in the bathroom preparing everything for me.

I lifted the satin sheets looking down my naked body as I heard Jay's calm voice "come here y/n baby." I crawled in his direction as he told me. Justin slides his right arm under my legs, his left arm under my upper body, lifting my still with his sheets covered body up. I leaned my head against the tattooed lion on his chest as we made our way in his bathroom where I heard the water filling the tub. Justin carefully sat me down, let the satin fell on the floor, still holding me by my waist in case my weak knees can't hold the weight of my body.

He lifted me once again helping me get into the tub. As soon I felt the hot water touching me the pain slowly get better. "Okay?" Jay asked looking in my eyes, holding my face in one of his hands. I nodded "yes, thank you". He kissed the top of my head, standing up, starting, then going in shower. I closed my eyes, trying to relax the muscles of my body.

After a few minutes I heard Justin getting out the shower, looking over to him, wrapping a towel round his waist and walking over to the sink, grabbing his toothbrush. I chuckled. Justin looked over to me through his lashes "what?" he asked with his full mouth. "You look so lost in thoughts, it's cute." I smiled. He rolled his eyes, turned around cleaning his mouth.

Justin grabbed a towel and came over to me "come here babe" he said helping me standing up and get out the tub. He gently dries my body, holding it close to him. Justin lifted me up again walking back in the bedroom "I don't think you need to carry me anymore Jay." He sat me down on the bed, went to the drawer, searching of cloths. „Which one?" Justin asked with lifted eyebrows, holding two different colored shirts up. „mh, black" He came over to me, dressed me first with underwear and the black shirt I picked and then his own body with just black joggers.

breakfast?" Justin asked holding his hand in my direction, I nodded smiling placing my way smaller hand in his. He grinned showing his perfect teeth.
„I love you."
„I love you to."

- end, this is the first imagine I ever wrote, I really hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote and comment requests for next story's! ly 💋

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