Chapter Ten: Mommie Dearest

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"Agh!" I yelp jolting foward sending a pyramid of pies crashing to the ground. I land in the mess crushing the boxes and getting strawberry and apple filing all over me.

"Morris!" I roll over in the mess staring up at...

"Mom!" I exclaim.

My mother wears a yellow sunflower dress holding a basket in one hand and a small purse in the other. She looks down at me in confusion. I mirror the same look.

"Look! At this mess!" Debra waltzes over standing beside Mom.

I sit up feeling disgusted. The fillings all over my body. I can even feel it in my hair.

"What are you doing here?" I glare at my mother.

"I should ask you the same, Morris"

"I was walking home and needed directions so I came in here"  I hope she didn't hear me call Debra crazy. I'd be next then for whatever is happening to the people in this town.
I'll just have to play along until I can get out.

"Well" Mom smiles " I can drive you home"

I glance at Debra who looks down at me expectantly then back at my Moms unflinching gaze.

"Sure" I attempt to stand only to slip back into the mess. Mom pulls me up with the help of a useless Debra.

"Wait in the car, I'm going to talk to Debra" The two of them exchange a dangerous look " It's the blue one"

I swallow dryly exiting the store. A lady gasps at the sight of me hurrying by. I spot a baby blue convertible and awkwardly walk to it. I can feel the filling dripping off of me, sliding down my face mixing with sweat.

When I reach the car I peer inside. The leather seats are spotless along with the floor. Happy with my check I enter the car.

I grimace at how uncomfortable I am. It's hot inside the car just as much as the outside and I'm sure I ruined her leather seats. What a day. I can't wait to tell Dad.

I sigh leaning back into the hot seat ignoring the heat and focusing on Mom and Debra.

Debra stands with her hands on her hips. Mouth moving inaudible. Mom nods pointing at the floor and gesturing with her hand. Debra makes a chopping motion and Mom laughs shaking her head. What are they on about?

Debra acts as if she's strangling someone. Mom shakes her head. Are they plotting someone's death. My death. Debra and Mom stand around for awhile before Debra says something. Mom nods. They both turn and look directly at me. My heart drops and all blood leaves my face.

Someone knocks on the car window. I gasp nearly pee my pants. Catching my breath, I roll the window down. A man with greased blonde hair in a white collared polo shirt and khakis squnits down at me.

"Hey, Bud" He grins "I think you have the wrong car"

I frown confused looking around for a blue car but this is the only one.

"No, I'm sure I don't" I tell him

"This is my car and your getting stuff on my seats" He maintains his smile.

"This is my Moms car" I grit through clenched teeth annoyed

"Wait, Morris! Oh! I could barely recognize you with all that...stuff over you" He laughs.

"Right" I give a small smile rolling up the window

"Wait!" He puts his hand on the window.

"I'm Ethan" He stands up taller as if proud "Your Moms fiancé"

I know I'm not suppose to care. She hasn't been in my life for a long time and she's living her own. I just can't stop the pang of disgust and hurt that works it way in my heart.

"Really?" I say dropping the attitude I've been giving him. He nods.

I continue to stare at the man outside the car. He's not bad looking. He's well mannered but then again who isn't  here. I can't believe she came back here and got with this guy. I sigh stepping out the car and moving to the back seat.

"Thanks!" He grins entering the passenger seat forgetting he has white and that the seat is sticky with jam.

"Here she comes" Ethan informs me.

Mom strolls over. Sticking out her basket is pie boxes. What did this town do to my mother.

I sit silent as she enters the driver side handing Ethan the basket.

"Yummy!" He jokes. Mom laughs which sounds more like a cackle.

"Oh! Dear! Ethan! This is why I love you!" She pecks his cheek and he returns the favor.

I clear my thoart. Mom acts as if she doesn't see me in the back seat. Starting the car, she drives off on a familiar path home.

The ride home is excruciatingly painful. Ethan hums a annoying tune and Mom joins in before both of them are singing.

"Come on, Baby! Let's do the twist! Come on, BBAAAABBBBY! Let's do the twist!"

When I can't take anymore I distract them with a question.

"What kind of pie you got there, Ethan?"

He reads off a lid.

"Cherry" He announces "My favorite"

"And mine" Mom continues humming

I'm taken aback. Dad said her favorite was pecan.

"But Dad" Ethan tenses "said you like Pecan" Mom goes silent drumming her fingers on the wheel.

"You do like Pecan, right?" I lean in between the two seats looking at Mom. Her face is blank. Not even a smile. I repeat the question waiting on a reaction.

After awhile she chuckles saying "Of course, I like all pies, sweetheart, now buckle up and enjoy the ride"

I lean back into my seat buckling up listening to the two of them sing the rest of the ride.


Not quite 1000 words but it's kinda long. I'm going to try and do 1500 or even 2000 next time . I'll try. Vote and Comment!

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