Chapter Fifteen: Kneading Dough

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"So, all I need you to do is knead these doughs," Debra smiles wrapping a apron around herslef. I copy eager to start so I begin asking my questions.

"You might want to take off your bookbag" She says seeing my struggle of trying to get the apron on.

"Right" I reluctantly take it off. There goes my plan B: Run and don't look back with only a few set of clothes and no sense of direction.

"Cool," I say once my apron is on and she places dough in front of me.

We start silently kneading the dough. I'm too afraid to talk. For all, I know she could tie me up and force feed me pie.

I swallow dryly pushing harder on the white squishy lump while watching Debra nervously.

"Oh, I need a cigar badly" She groans pulling a cigarette pack from her apron pocket

I'm in disbelief. My mouth opens in closes like a fish. She's not suppose to smoke. Nobody here smokes.

"You still smoke?" I focus on the dough when I ask the question

"I never quit" 

I stop kneading the dough turning toward her. So many questions run through my mind.



"You said when we got here that this places changed overnight, what did you mean?"

"Oh" She laughs "It was like the whole town and everybody was switched. All these pie shops started opening. Everyone was acting different but it was a nice change"

Nice change? Right.

"I don't get it, though. This whole place is weird. Everyone is obessed with pies and nothing makes sense." I groan frustrated and confused

"Don't worry you'll get used to it, Kenny was like this at first, the move was hard with his father's death." Debra sighs

"Wait, Kenneths, your son?"

"Yeah," She smiles

"How is he? He was sick yesterday." I say waiting on whatever crazy response will fly from her mouth next.

"Sick? He wasn't sick, not that I've seen"

"But he went home early, correct?"

"No, now please knead the dough because it gets too tough."

Something definitely isn't right. Matthew lied to me.

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