Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to a special someone <3

Carleigh started to get really quiet at volleyball practice. The only thing she would say is our water cheer, which didn't seem to be a lot coming from her, an outgoing person, and very loud. Want to know why? Miranda was there. Everyday seemed to drill pieces of Carleigh's heart out. I looked back and saw her a couple times in German class, glance over at Peydon and whipe her eyes dry and catch tears. I could tell, she wanted to stay strong, for him.

I texted her later:

"Why?" I asked,

"Why what?" She replied

"Why don't you just, tell her off when she wants to get the best of you?"

"Because she makes him happy. He's happy, I'm happy."

"Obviously not"


"You're getting depressed, Carleigh!"

"Look, I'm not going to be a bitch and tell people who to like and date, it's not going to happen. I want im happy and my friends happy."

"You sure you want that?"

"Yes, i don't want to stand in the way"

A couple days passed and it was the week of her birthday, just 4 more days! She repetitively said that she didn't want anything that you could buy. What she wanted was for Peydon to say a one-two lettered word and that word was 'hi'. When her birthday came along, nothing changed, they still never talked.

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