Chapter 3

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It was a sunny day in May. In fact, it was beautiful! Everything was beautiful! Everyone was happy, Including Carleigh! It was a great day to hang out with Carleigh after practice. 

Carleigh ended up spending the night, which was a lot of fun. We usually thought nothing of Peydon when we hung out other than a few exeptions where we argued if he was cute or not. She would usually win because she never gave up and I got tired of arguing.

We were watching some videos online and then Carleigh took a glance out of my window and saw a familiar figure walking down the block. "Let's go talk to him!" I suggested.

"erm... Okay." Carleigh said, scared.

We walked out and saw Peydon about to cross the street. I was sprinting down the block, holding Carleigh's hand, dragging her over to Peydon. Faster than light, a car was barreling down the street, obviously a drunk driver. Peydon was halfway across the street when he froze, he was in shock, time froze, everything seemed slow motion.

Carleigh sprinted far ahead of me, screaming and crying, almost tripping. My legs were lead, everything blurred until i heard the sound of the car horn, then I saw a clear picture, Carleigh pushed Peydon across the street where he fell out of the car's tracks. Carleigh failed to get out of the car's tracks in time. You could hear the impact of her head smashing through the front window. I tried to scream but nothing came out. The car spiraled out of control and fell on its side and stopped. Peydon sat at the edge of the road, he was bleeding, but he was okay.

"I'LL-CALL-911!" Peydon struggled to yell. I looked at him, terrified. "I will t-too" I stammered.

We both dialed frantically and after I got asked a bunch of questions, I saw flashing lights and heard a sirin, the ambulance was here. I felt a small sigh of relief. Carleigh was in good hands now.

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