Dantius Shadow: Introduction

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Dantius Shadow: Introduction

Maybe you can’t see me, but worry not my friend I will find you. I am you, the darker you, more specifically your shadow. How about a little introduction about myself?

Let’s see I’m very old, like before your great-great-great-great-great-… well you get the idea, very old probably even before you were born obviously. I wouldn’t say that I’m exactly the nicest guy you’ve seen around the neighborhood. At your modern 21st century or whatever you call it, I would be like the evil little kid in the back, quiet but also very dangerous.

Maybe like the Devil, but I also punish the innocent. Anyways, my name, yes, my name… You could call me Dantius Shadow. As I said before I lived a long time ago, in a village with population about 200, rather good place I’d say.

I was not always like this, evil you might say, cruel, and heartless, no I was those hardworking kid, always for the greater good, however that all changed when good old human dark side took over.

Ha! Of course it involves a death, of course everything involves a death. A slow painful death, right in front of my eyes, burning at stake for trying to help those stupid humans that think they are all that. A death because I believed that the dead could rise, that the dead could someday overtake us. Just like what I am doing right now, killing one human after another, helping the dead rise along side and overtake the world of life. 

Then, my own kind, chained me up, saying I’m crazy and decided to kill, murder me. Not even wanting to give me a painless death. No, you guys decided to have it as painful as possible. That’s not even the worst part, you guys murdered my family before my eyes, skinning them alive, then burning their entrails as if they are nothing but monsters.

There! That is the dark side of human, if they had just a speck of goodness inside their mind, why is there even punishment in the world, not just punishment, creative punishment.

If we are as good as we said we were wouldn’t the world be peaceful, good, and absolutely perfect.Yeah right! We all love suffering and pain even though we say we don’t. True we don’t like pain… just not to ourselves, but to our enemies that’s a whole other story. Yes, once I realized that, everything came to be much clearer.

Evil is not evil, it’s just called evil because we presume that good is correct and evil is wrong. However I beg to differ, my friend. Evil is just as good, just that people presume it has a dark intention. Without evil, there would be no heroes of your kind. No without evil, there is no longer life. So take this as a favor I’m doing for you, being the Evil Lord itself.

Yes, I did not simply go to rest went I died, I came back for revenge. They say how revenge could corrupt the mind, that revenge is never the answer, revenge is a strong emotion. Revenge, that little strong emotion, gave me life again. Revenge gave me another chance to live with it’s strong encouragement, I came back to life in a different form, a shadow, and I life on the despair, the guilt, the darkness of the human nature.

Let me say is again, I assure you, that someday I’ll find you all, yes all of you.  Ha! I’m sounding like a stalker now right? Believe me, I am not, it’s just my job to follow you day and night, either invisible or not. Anyways enough about me, how about we talk about others like you?

You know the slackers? The annoying person? The joker? The quiet kid? The kid that never fits in? the jocks? The nerds? How about the popular and nice kid you see at school? Yes I’ve met them, I was them, I help them in ways they could never imagine.

Nice little bunch don’t you agree? Those popular and really nice kid. Always willing to help, straight A’s, a good future ahead of them, yes, yes I’ve met them all, because I told you before, I am everyone yet I am my own self.

Good little kid she was, Amia Rauyon. She’s a good girl, president of the school, a superior basketball player, honor student and offered a scholarship at a good university. The perfect person, flawless except for one thing… I made her murder her own family. More specifically, her parents’ death is her own fault. Of course I have something to do with this. I knew, every single day, her spirit is slowly being destroyed. Her aunts and uncles, good people they were, could not help her.


Good start? Tell me what you guys think? Also please vote if you like it! This is just a short story probably another 2 chapters at most... but thanks for reading this first chapter! I'll be updating soon! tell me what you think!!


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