Dantius Shadow: The End

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Dantius Shadow: The End

We walked into Mark’s house with her hand still gripping on mines. “You okay?” I asked her even though I already knew the answer. She nodded her head and I led her into her old house. I remembered the crime scene, everything was still the way it was, I could almost remember the blood stain splashing on the right wall and the bodies laying there lifeless as I claim their souls. I could hear her wince behind me and smiled inside.

“Come on, we can go into my room, I still got some of our old notes.” I turned to face her and reached out my hand.

She hesitantly accepted it while looking around the horrible room. I led her up the stairs while she was whimpering so softly that if I was only human, I could not even hear it, but I knew, I was not human, so all the way up the stairs I heard her sad whispers in her head, her eyes taking in her old, happy, and carefree surrounding.

I finally reached the top of the stairs and opened the door, revealing her old room, just more of Mark’s style. The walls are painted to a light shade of blue covering the pinkish wallpaper while loose notes and papers are hanging loosely on the floor as if it has been there forever. I walked over to an unopened box, and took about a pocket-knife opening it from the top.

A bunch of paper fell out each filled with notes filled from pages to pages.

I picked up a random piece of paper, “Remember this? We were such little kids.” I said grinning. I stopped myself. I knew it was happening again.

Mark’s human side is making me feel this way, even though his spirit is unconscious, I knew his feelings for her was strong. Even his dark nature couldn’t cover the attraction he has for her, and that attraction is making me feel this way, I know it. Even after centuries of practicing to block out those human emotion, I know that it will never work. 

'Whatever,’ I thought. ‘This is all part of my plan, the more he likes her the more painful it will be for him to kill him.’ I thought darkly.

“Yeah,” She replied, I saw her face lightened up a bit, and my essence getting weaker as the real Mark tries to get conscious. But no, that’s not possible, I knew once I have control, the innocent soul has no chance. “I still can’t believe you’ve kept these all this time.” She said a bit astonish.

I grinned once again on Mark’s behalf, “Of course,” I laughed, “This is our plan for beating the NBA’s team.”

She looked it over as if taking in all the past memories and seems to forget about her guilt for a while. ‘Good,’ I thought, ‘If she finds out Mark betrayed her, it’ll make her feel worst.’

“Yea, a total win, run around the courts beg them to let us score. A solid win.” She joked.

I smiled at her, ‘Come on, I have to get on with my plan now.’

I pretended to look a bit nervous, “So umm…how’s life so far?” I asked trying to start a conversation.

“I’ve actually been living with my aunt and uncle.” She told me, her fingers twitching nervously as she looked around in what used to be her old room. “So why did you suddenly leave last time?” She asked me.

“My parents had a job transfer.” I told her.

“Oh… when you left I had no one to talk too…” She admitted.

I laughed, “No one to talk to? Are you kidding me? You’re the great Amia Rauyon!” I exclaimed or more likely Mark exclaimed with extreme bitterness in his voice. I was able to sense the resentment he has towards Amia.

“I’m not the perfect girl you think I am…” Amia admitted.

I grinned inside, ‘Of course you’re not… I corrupted you a long time ago.’  The caring side of Mark reached out and patted Amia on the back. “Come on Amia you’re perfect in every way.” I tried convincing her.

“Perfect…? Give me an example Mark.” She said glumly.

There it was I felt it… the resentment Mark held against Amia. “How about a straight A student the perfect student body representative?” I questioned feeling Mark’s anger.

“That does not mean anything.” Amia said back.

I grinned internally as Mark resentment towards his friend flared, “Do you know how much some people wishes for those grades? Those perfect opportunities?!” I yelled.

I could feel Mark’s resentment, from his parents telling him to be more like Amia. At first it was just a plain old annoying nag, but then it became more than that, it was what he resented to hear most… it was what he never wanted to admit.

“Mark…?” Amia said cautiously probably feeling her friend’s anger.

“Did you know… how much I resented you for having all the success…?” I stood up with Mark’s body and took another step closer to Amia. I couldn’t help but feed on her emotion of fear. “You act like it’s nothing… but did you know… there are some people that wants those success… and you are just taking advantage of it!” Mark yelled as I let his conscious take control. I stayed in the back of his head encouraging negative thoughts into his mind.

“M-Mark calm down.” Amia said obviously surprised of her friend’s sudden anger.

“Oh yeah sure I’ll calm down… when you just realize that I’m much more than you… that I’m looked down just because of you!” Mark yelled.

I grinned in the deepest part of Mark’s mind, ‘She’s just showing off to you, now… if she’s gone… wouldn’t you be the best at school? It’s just you and her here… no one will ever find out if Amia suddenly… hit her head against that really deadly metal cabinet and crack her head.’ I urged him.

Mark’s good-willed and feeling towards Amia caused him to react a bit differently. “Amia… leave now…” He said lowly ignoring my urges completely. However I knew… if he was to be angered even a little bit more he would crack.

“Mark… look I’m sorry that you felt that way…” Amia began, not even a bit scared of Mark’s anger.

I grinned, knowing that her courage would be her death.

“I said leave!” Mark roared.

“Look you can tell me anything Mark, we’re best friends, I can help you-“ Amia said reaching out to her friend.

I could sense as Mark desperately tried to gain control of his emotions, but it was too late… “I SAID GET LOST!” With that last word Mark unknowingly pushed Amia against glass pictured frame on the wall. The glass broke apart instantly at impact and impaled itself onto the young girls face. At that moment I knew my task was complete. Amia was dying, her guilt from her parents still there, but now there’s Mark standing there in shock of what he had done.

I quickly left Mark’s shadowed mind and stayed standing, my essence was still in the room as I saw each piece of glass traveling through Amia’s layer of flesh. I grinned as I heard her ear shattering scream with each part of her body making contact with the glass. Her head laid there as blood oozed out and I knew right then she was thinking about her parents death rather than about her own.

Mark stood there a bit shocked of what he had done. He dropped the papers he was holding and stood staring at his friend, unable to comprehend what he just did.

I smiled, ‘Yes Mark… you see what you just did? This is your dark side… and you will soon pay…’ I grinned as I moved on to my next victim… you…

My first horror story, tell me what you guys think? Gave you chills? A bit of heartwarming between an old friend’s reunion? Are you able to understand the resentment from Mark to his friend Amia? Emotion is a strong thing… and let’s hope… that Dantius doesn’t use that against you….

Please comment, fan, and vote!  Check out my blog too (it’s on my profile page) Much thanks!


Dantius Shadow: The Dark Side of Humans (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now