Chapter 3: The Next Day...

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The sun rose from the horizon, making glistening beams though Stiles's window and onto Clark's face. Clark clenched his eyes shut. Making him come alive. He noticed Stiles sleeping on the floor whilst he was sleeping on the bed. He tried to climb out of the bed and go across the hall without making the floorboards creak. They creaked and creaked until Stiles woke up.

" Psstt... Clark where are you going? "

" I'm just going to the bathroom " replied Clark " Don't worry, I'm not going to sneak off "

" Oh okay! "

Stiles lifted his body off the floor, rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Stiles's POV

I woke up because I heard the floor creak. At first I thought it was my dad, only used to having him around, but I remembered that I had Clark resting here too.
I saw Clark sneaking out of the bedroom, I thought he was leaving so soon, I whispered to Clark, asking him where he was going. He replied that he was only going to the bathroom. I don't know what my dad would say if he saw Clark.
He and I grew closer just after my mom died from frontotemporal dementia. My dad is always busy with work, he's the Sheriff, and most nights I come home and do homework and occasionally go out with my best friend, Scott McCall.
Scott is the only one that knows my secret, that I'm gay. And I'm planning to keep it that way, well for now at least.

Clark came back in and Stiles sat up against the cabinet.

" Morning " Stiles said to Clark.

" Hi Stiles! Morning to you too " Clark replying to Stiles.

" Erm... Clark! Where was your clothes last night. I found you naked " Stiles opening mindedly asking Clark.

Clark pulled a face, it was his thinking face, but Stiles doesn't know, ' oh thank the Gods that Stiles doesn't know '

" Well, about that... You see I was on a plane, being held captive and they thought it would be funny to push me out of the plane naked " Clark said whilst trying to keep a straight face so Stiles doesn't know that he's lying.

" Alright, okay " Stiles replied slowly, pulling faces as if he was confused.

" Come on, get ready " Stiles pushed himself off the floor and sat on the bed crossing his legs.

" What? What are we doing? " Clark was so confused by what Stiles has said.

" I am... No, we are going to school " Stiles ordered Clark.

" What? Why? I don't live here never mind going to a school " Clark whined back at Stiles.

" Exactly... Anyway your still in school wherever you came from? "

' Quick think of something Clark '
" Erm... Yes "

Clark and Stiles both get ready. They both got a shower, cleaned their teeth, had breakfast and got dressed, ready for their day at school. But whilst Clark was getting dressed, Stiles 'accidentally' peeked over at Clark.

" So, do you work out? " Stiles questioned Clark. But was trying to keep it Subtle

" Yeah sometimes, why? "

" Because your muscles look big! " Stiles knew he wasn't being subtle. In fact he was almost over-complementing the guy

Clark stared at Stiles. Stiles went red in the face.
They got dressed and headed for the front door, just before opening it, Stiles's dad, Sheriff Stilinski, came rocking out of his dark shaded room.
Stiles shoved Clark behind a corner so his dad couldn't see him.

" Morning son " the Sheriff said with a vague and pale expression.

" Morning dad, I gotta run otherwise I'm gunna be late for school " Clark ran out of the door whilst the Sheriff had still dozy and half asleep

" Okay, just remem... " the Sheriff was cut off by the slamming of the door.

Both, Clark and Stiles got in the jeep. Stiles started the engine and turned the wheel.

-- 10 minutes later --

They were finally at school, and with Scott, Allison and Lydia waiting at the entrance, they were looking at each other and pulling faces.

" Hey! This is Clark, he's new and I said he can hang around with us. " Stiles insisted that Clark hung around with them

" Hey... " Clark was nervous, he was always nervous about meeting new people.

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