Chapter 3B: The Next Day (Continued)

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Clark's POV

Me and Stiles got passed the junction on Sunset Boulevard before turning off to the left, and took us to the street where the school was sat. It was massive. It has students crawling all over the yard and students still coming in.
We pulled up to the gateway and passed the gates. I saw a massive brick wall that says 'Beacon Hills High School'. Stiles parked the jeep and I got out. The sun was beating down, and I was already sweating. Stiles saw people who he knew, I followed him. I also came across another brick wall: ' Welcome back! Another great year has begun ' and underneath ' Remember to tryout for the lacrosse team '

" Hey! I'm Scott " Scott pouted

" Hi! I'm Lydia, call me 😉 " Lydia said flirtatiously, obviously taking an interest in Clark and his dashing looks

" Hello! I'm Allison. There's no need to be afraid. You'll be alright when you settle in " Allison was trying to encourage Clark

The four of them opened the metal doors and opened a whole new world. Students chatting, swarming like bees, and there was already a fight... Classic for the first day of school. Now we're in high school, the last year.

" Hey, Stiles! Where did you say he came from? " Scott asked suspiciously

" I never! I found him in the woods, I said he can hang around with us because he'll be alone... And plus he's cute " replied Stiles

" Awww!!! Has someone got a crush! "

" Shhh! He'll hear " Stiles was trying not to get embarrassed. He had nothing to be embarrassed about, most kids accept people for who they are. But some kids, well...

Stiles took Clark to the headteacher' s office. There was a long samari sword gaping from the wall, pictures of his wife and children and achievements the school had made. Clark walked in and sat down in the chair, sitting directly opposite to the headteacher. All he did was say his welcome and gave his timetable for the day until he had fixed and permanent one. Clark came wondering out of the office and it was recess, he spent 1st period in the headteachers office. He met up with Stiles and the rest of the group.

Clark's POV

I came out of the office. I went over to the other side of the hallway and I noticed Stiles walking down. I watched him walk down, but he wasn't too happy. I saw people laughing and making fun of him. Calling him names. 'Skinny twig' ; 'loner' ; 'fag'... I was mortified.
I went up to Stiles and asked him if he was alright. He shook his head. There is obviously people in the school who are homophobic, oh yeah I know Stiles is gay... I see the looks he keeps on giving me, it's quite adorable really.

" Hey! Are you alright? " I said with a severe concern to my tone of voice

He shook his head with droplets of tears dangling off his cheeks and dripping onto his books in his hands.

" Just ignore them. They don't know what they're missing. Your a great guy and they need to see it, instead of passing judgement against your sexual preference " I tried to cheer him up before Scott and the rest see him.

Stiles looks up at Clark with confusion on how he knew he was gay.

" How can you tell... Is it really that obvious " Stiles reluctantly looking up at Clark, waiting for an answer.

" It's alright Stiles, I can't pass judgement. And no it's not really obvious "

Stiles's face give a sign in relief and smiled at Clark. Stiles looks passed Clarks's shoulders only to find that Scott and the rest of the group was coming over. Stiles and Clark also started strutting towards Scott and the others.

-- 4 hours passed --

It was time to pack up after a long hard day at school. Stiles and Scott had the same class together and met up with the others, meeting them in the schools parking lot. They all rekindled and ha a natter before separating their ways home.
As soon as Stiles and Clark got home, Stiles notices that his dad's car was on the driveway. Confused and baffled, both boys walked through the door, Clark on edge as he doesn't know Stiles's father.

" Hey Dad! " said Stile with a prolonging smirk on his face.

" Hey Son! How was school? " the Sheriff asked.

" Alright! Dad there is someone here that wants to meet you. "

The Sheriff turned his neck only to find Stiles with an another boy.

" Hi, Sir! I'm Clark "

" Hello Son, just calm me Noah "

" Dad, he'll be staying with us for a few weeks "

" Alright. Belongs you two don't get up to mischief. I'm talking to you Stiles, I know what your like " said Noah with a smile slapped on his face

They both went upstairs and Clark dropped his bag in the corner of the room out of the way. He was living with Stiles until he found somewhere to live, well it's not everyday you see fresh faces wandering around Beacon Hills, everyone knew each other. As soon Clarks's bag hit the floor, Stiles and Clark sat on the edge of the bed wondering who's sleeping where.

-- 20 minutes later --

They both came to a solution that they both slept in the same bed, but topping and tailing, as it may feel uncomfortable for both of them sleeping side by side. Once they sorted the plans out of the bed, they went down the creaky staircase and and turned a sharp left to go into the kitchen. They were both hungry.

" What are you wanting for tea? " asked Stiles whilst looking through the freezer.

" Whatever is in there! " Clark replied sarcastically, knowing that you can only eat whatever they have in the freezer.

Stiles just glared at Clark with a face that was about to laugh. And then he did. Stiles burst into a laughing phase and Clark joined him afterwards.

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