Level Upper aftermath.

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Chapter one: Level Upper Aftermath

    "Damn it! I'm gonna be late!"
    My alarm rang, I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, smoothened my hair and ate a piece of toast. I busted out of my apartment, raced to the bus stop at 50 miles per hour and arrived just in time. Just another daily routine, hop on a bus, and it gets you to a certain stop, my school. The classes wasn't that bad for me. If you ask me how I "survive" school like everyone else, I would tell you just like whatever everyone else will say. The term to survive is really a bit exaggerated. The teachers are great group of guys, and gals. I go to Nagatenjouki, one of the top five schools in this town and I'm in eighth grade. School days are fine, the classes are more centered around the superpowers and the science behind it, so just try and pay attention, you'd do great. Seriously, you absolutely don't have to think too much, and that was my "Pro Tip."
Today is just gonna be an ordinary day like any other day. School started at 8 O'clock, before that, I ran into some of my friends. The school ground is a nice place to hang out.
"Hi! Good morning!" I greeted them back. People were chatting, so I chatted too.
"Oh have you seen that new movie?"
"Something's bothering me, I heard about some type of device that makes your power go up?"
"Level Upper?"
We continued to hang out around the school, some friends brought out a little snack.
"How's it going?" I said casually.
"Good!" He answered nervously.
"You seem nervous..."
"No! No, I'm fine, hehe. Actually, I'm kind of worried about my friends. They are... a little sick. I'd better tell you, I don't know what to do. One of them, he collapsed and fainted, he is still in the hospital."
"Oh no, I'm sorry for him, there's lots of reasons why he fainted. You know what mig have happened? You might.. okay. Well, I hope he gets well. Soon."
"Thanks" He said, nearly tearing up.
After a while, the bell rang. We all went to our classes.
I went to my locker and put my stuff down, then went to my classroom. Our school is a normal concrete building. Retangular structures joined together. A simple, comfy look and even nicer looking classrooms on the inside. Almost defined by large windows, it gives you a strange welcoming sensation. I travelled through the hallway to get to my class.

The unexpected happened:
    I was just in the middle of history class, the teacher was talking. I was just following my daily routine.  Everything was great until we heard a huge rumble. There was an explosion, and what could only be described as the sound of a cannon firing. This was followed by gunshot sounds, firing rapidly. "Everybody get under the tables!" The teacher yelled, we all huddled under the table, three more explosion sounds were heard, the last one was the biggest. A flash bang-like effect blinded us for at least three seconds, a shock wave obliterated several window frames. My classmates shouted: "What the hell was that?"
"Was that a tactical nuke? We are fucked!" I was silently scared to my bones, I was shivering with fear, I thought I was dying. I went through every possibility that might've happened. Terrorist attack? That might not be possible because the city's technology is ten years more advanced, and it's main purpose is to study Espers. That's the scary part, you don't know what's happening in this type of scenario. As I said earlier, normal things don't always happen to normal people.

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