The Decision

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Two months ago I discovered that the reason I had super hearing was because my power enabled it. You see, having a power extends to a lot of things. Say if you are an Electromaster, besides using electric shocks you can also manipulate electromagnetic waves and fields. My power of manipulating gas particles, a variant of Aero Hand gave me good hearing. I can hear conversations far away as long as it is passed on by vibration through gases like the most commonly found mixture: air, and there are minimum noises in the environment. This district is very silent. I could hear the two girls walking as they are calling for Mii. I know she's on a rooftop with Kurozuma, Misaka was there too.
"You can't let them get away! You are in Judgement aren't you?" Said Misaka.
"I knew you would be here. That's where we last met." Said Kurozuma gently from behind them. "You are warning me about the raid tomorrow right? He sighed.
"I couldn't leave Hebitani you know?  From the last time I charged into the trap that almost killed me I was only released from hospital six months ago, I never thought I could see this view again. As I said, it's best if I don't see you again. I'm the one to disband the group, not Anti Skill. Now, get going, look at that girl just standing their lonely."
"Don't go, Senpai! You are charging in alone, aren't you?" Mii shouted, almost crying. "You always care about others, but don't care for yourself."
"You are like that too, aren't you? After all, that was the reason you want to warn me."
I decided to stop eavesdropping and finally took the bus home because it was too late. Man, it sure was a long day. I was so relieved to see the familiar concrete apartment building again. It was a short and simple building, decent wifi, heating systems and electricity. Cramped balconies stood out and rows of windows lined up perfectly. Trust me, it looks okay outside but it looks much comfier inside. A couple of my friends lives here. My friends weren't down there chatting and hanging out right now so I went back to my home. I showered, climbed onto my familiar bed threw on my familiar blanket. I made a crazy decision later that night, I decided to go along.

    Why did I choose to join? I don't know exactly. Maybe I just feel bad because I am that type of people too, an Esper. It's really those people's fault to discriminate against people like us. Defending the rights of low level Espers is not the excuse. Because we never hated on anyone. Or maybe, I'm doing it for Misaka! Why would I do it just for her? Was I crazy? Or maybe... there's a little bit of all factors.
    Dawn broke, purplish red colors cracked open the night sky. I sat on the balcony reviewing my decision. I am doing it. I walked to the same district where I expected them to show up. It's very bright now, almost morning. There's Mii, wearing a red leather jacket, standing there with a worried look on her face. Just as I was still deciding, to go to her or not, Misaka and Ms... Twin Tornado showed up. Misaka winked and pressed the green, distinguishable badge of Judgement on Mii's chest. "Looks better now! Hey, I know now, you became Judgement after you thought Kurozuma died in that fire. You want to remain loyal to Kurozuma's men while also being in Judgement, it's hard." Mii smiled. I decided to step in, it's now, or never, they are leaving.

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