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I've since gotten well from my pax related flu over the past two weeks and everything seems to be normal now. I continued making videos on YouTube, but now it seemed that i had gotten this a little remnant of my sickness to remain, every other morning or so I would throw up but then I be fine for the rest of the day. it could be just anxiety or something my mom had something like this too, I miss my mom sometimes.

*Buzz Buzz*

What a lovely suprise my best friend Jess decided to text me i havent heard from her in forever

J: HEY GURL!!!! Whut Up?😄
Y: omg aph! you would not beleive me me if i told you...
J:tell me what?????
Y: absolutely nothing.
J: at least something has to of happened, like how are youjackandmark?
Y: Y U always ask about them?
J:because i ship them!
Y:aph, calm the f down.
Y:well i tried, hey want to come over and get foods or somethin?
J: no no no Mama will bring the foods to you baby gurl, you sit tight.

Sweet free food

Y: thank you mother I'll see you soon.

With that I set my phone down and realized that I was not prepared to entertain guests. My whole apartment was a mess. My couch was a mess from whenever I found the strength to crawl out of bed, the kitchen was littered with open soup cans and ramen packets, and the sink was full of dirty dishes.
If i was going to be expecting at least one person, I needed to at least clean up. I started in the kitchen, soaking pots and washed a ton of dirty dishes. As soon as the dishes were set out to dry I worked on the counter tops and kitchen table.
I had only just finished the kitchen when Jess knocked on my door. I unlocked the door and let her in, jes came in holding at least 4 McDonald's bags and a cup holder with starbucks.
"Hey sweat heart how are you" jess said giving me a hug
"You did not kid about geting food"
"Mama bird, will feed her baby birdie, your basically skin and bones."
"Wow thanks." I said sarcastically.
Jess invited herself inside and set up all the food on my coffee table, this upset me because I cleaned the kitchen for nothing, I was unessasarally productive. Whatever, I joined her on the couch and she turned on my t.v. to something enjoyable, probably supernatural, (probably something I'd love to make a reference to but know jack shit about the show itself.) And we sat and talked and ate chicken nuggets and frapachinos but after a while I wasent feeling so good, especially in my stomach. I tried to ignore it but even Jess could see I was bothered.
"Hey y/n you ok?"
"Yeah Jess...im..fine" (no I was not.)
"Sorry it just looks like you were abou-" I didnt need her to finish her sentence, I got up and ran into my bathroom just barely making it to the toilet, a minute later or so jess joined me and held my hair back and away from my face as I yet again pucked my guts out.
"How long have you been sick for y/n?" I regained my posture and sat on the toilet.
"I was sick for like 2 weeks but every now and then this kinda hapens."
"Stomach flu shouldnt be this long,  have you gont to the doctors."
"Yes and they say it could be anxiety related, or another thing but i doubt that"
"Im in denial right now, because i think its something diferent." Jess took my hands in hers.
"Please awnser these questions truthfully okay?"
"When was your last-"
"Dude im not prego"
"You promised y/n"
"Fine if i remeber corectly i had it before pax."
"So about a full month ago."
"Ya i guess so"
"Alright that was kind of my only question but can you wait here? Ill be right back."
"Its my house where else would i go?"
And with those last words she was gone, and i sat there in my bathroom scared to death.

Im not pregnant, i know im not, im on the pill, im ok, i know i am, this is just anxiety, ill be fine. Im not pregnant.

Within ten minutes jess came back with a little brown bag she left it on the sink and left me alone for a minute.
I looked in the bag, it was a pregnancy test. "Im fine."
My fingers trembled trying to open the box.  "Im going to be okay."
And took the test. "Im not pregnant."
Ten minutes later i had my awnser, 2 pink lines indicated one thing .

Im pregnant.

I wanted to scream, i wanted to laugh, i wanted to cry, i was a mix of emotions and none of them was relief.
How would this effect my youtube career? I was thinking so many things at this moment but 2 things hit me harder than a train could have.

*dream flashback*
1. "when were you going to tell me your-" my dream was warning me, my dad can not know about this at all, knowing him he would take my child away from me.

And 2. WHO THE FUCK IS THE DAD. Ive only slept with 2 guys...since...pax.
One of them is the dad. Jack, Mark, im so sorry. I just curled up on the floor and a waterfall started to poar from my eyes. Jess came back in and comforted me, as i cried and cried into her lap. There was only one thing i could say. Sorry

lovechild of youtube (Mark x Reader x Jack)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora