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Wow guys 1000 reads, i really thought this story would be lost in the sea of other stories. But i guess it has kept it afloat. Seriously there were none of these markxreaderxjack, where the reader gets pregnet, originally I just wanted to see how the internet would react to a fanfic of this type. But honestly thank you because of you guys support i feel encouraged to continue wrighting. (I also feel like i should say that amy and wiishu arnt involved in the story but they may be added for drama.)

"Did I do that?"

I wated two months before even telling them, I almost started crying, I honestly didnt know if my baby was his or Jack's.

"Mark dont hate me, but i seriously dont know"
"What do you mean buy that"
"I mean its either yours or another good friend of mine"
"Wait you hooked up with two guys?"
"THATS What You Took From That? Mark what the hell."
"Im sorry, im sorry, that sounded bad. Please dont leave."
"Im not gonna leave, I have nowhere else to go right now anyway. "
"Im sorry if i made you mad, would you please come inside."

Mark lead me into his home, chica bounded towards us, normally she would have jumped up and tried to lick my face, this time however she seemed to take notice of my larger belly, and instead of jumping on it, she streched her head is high as she could and licked my shirt covered belly.
"Well I think chica approves."
I looked towards mark, he was smiling.
"Mark, I'm really sorry I didnt tell you. I think I was mostly scared that I'd lose you if you knew"
"Y/n, i would not desert you in a situation like this, especially if im partially to blame for it, and if the other guy dosent want to father your child, I would be more than happy to, I know how much it would mean to you if your child has a loving father figure."
"Mark, thank you. Thats also why im here, my dad sceduled me a doctors apointment tomorrow."
"What the fuck, your 26, he cant control you."
"And he said i quote "you will leave without that parcel you carry." "
"That is even more fucked up, but why would he care now?"
"He cares now because he wants to marry me off to help his company. "
"All right that does it, your staying here untill you think its safe for you to go home."
"Thank you Mark, you honestly dont know how greatful I am."
"Its no problem at all. If you need anything just a-"
"I need to borrow your recording set up."
"That was quick, well hardyharhar, fine you can use it, ill take your bag for you and get started on dinner."

I walked down the hall, towards his studio his computer was already on and a camera was near by. I set it up and did my intro.

Hey guys iz y/t/n here, before you get mad at me for being gone for so long let me explain why, oh also this isn't my set up, this is Mark's, ya I'm in L.A. right now. Anyway why I was gone for so long is kinda because I'm pregnant. Theres nothing really to explain, i was stupid and this baby can belong to one of two guys, i should also say im not in Seattle right now because my dad found out, and lets just say he was angry about it. Any way i have to apologize for 1. just droping off the face of the internet. And 2. Not preparing any videos for you guys at all and makeing this video really last minute. Alright that pretty much sums up what i wanted to say to you guys let me just awkwardly end the video here and I'll see you next time BYEe!

I quickly edited and posted the video, I'd come back and see the coments later.

lovechild of youtube (Mark x Reader x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now