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"Did we fucked?" The light brown haired asked anxiously.

"I don't remember this." Matt whispered, as if someone will hear him. "Listen..." he smiled and continued.

"We were kissing. Several people passed alongside us. They watched us. They were exalted. They smiled and passed away. But we were still kissing. Your eyes were closed. You were good. You liked this. You kissed me back and I was so happy. Then we separate. You smiled and look down. I don't know what happened and I lowered my head too. This was... Magic."

"What are you doing, Matt? Are you insane?" George asked and sighed. "You got to sleep."

"It happened, George." He whispered.

"Happened? We were kissing in the park? While we were sitting on the ground?"

Matt nodded his head and smiled.

"Yes," he mumbled. "And you kissed me back."

"No way!" laughed George. "I have a boyfriend..."

"You didn't say anything about this."

"Didn't I?" George asked not believing his new friend. "Listen, curly... What happened is just for yesterday. It's not something we are discussing right now. Okay?" George walked to the door and a moment before he left he heard Matt's voice.

"Will you play drums for us?"

"I don't have drums," George whispered and turned back "but I'll think about it." He nodded and smiled.

"I... I need an answer. Please!" Matt walked right behind him and hugged his body. He pasted his chin on George's shoulder and smiled. "We can live here... together. Like just roommates, of course." Matt laughed and looked at George's lips.

He didn't want to live with George like roommates, but he wanted to live with him. So this is better than not living with him at all and he offered it. But George said "No".

"Why not?" sadly asked Matt. He wanted to be with this guy and would do anything to make him stay.

"Because I live with my boyfriend"

"Yeah... Boyfriend. Not me. Okay. Bye."


Hey guys! Yes, I updated. Well.... I don't know what is going on... But we will understand what happened between Matt and George soon. Well...  We hope it will be soon. :) Hope you like ti! Let me know what you think in the comments. :) :3 

Gabriella Morani

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