The kidnap

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"Hi my name is searah and I am this many oh sorry you can't see I'm seven years old! And I love to play with my friends and hang out with my mommy"
"Hi my name is Elizabeth and I am searahs best friend and I love to play with her!"
"Ok mommy I'm ready to go!"
"Ok sweetie one secound!"
Mommy finally was ready and we got into the car.
I'm going to my friend Elizabeth's house and she likes showing people her new shoes seven tho they aren't actually new.
"Hi Elizabeth!"
"Hey when would you like me to pick up searah?"
"Uh it doesn't matter any time your comfortable with."
"Ok I'll be here around 3."
Me and Elizabeth started walking to the park and as we were playing a strange man walked up to me and Elizabeth and asked if we wanted to go to his car and see his kitties and get candy.
"I'm sorry my mommy told me not talk to strangers."
"Oh it's ok sweat heart I'm not a stranger I'm your Mommy's friend from work."
"So you want tot come see my kitties?"
Me and Elizabeth both went to see his kitties.
"I don't see any kitties we're are they?"
"Oh hunny they are in the trunk come ere."
I went to the trunk and didn't see any kitties
"There are no kit-"
Just then I was shoved into the trunk of he van.
3 hours later I heard sirens going off behind us, so I started screaming.
I was kicking and punching as well then I felt the car get jerked to the side and couldn't here the sirens any more.
I was finnally let out of the car and we were In an abandoned place and there was a bed with rope and tape a kitchen and a bathroom.
I was picked up and placed on the bed then tied to the bed and he pulled his pants down.......

Thanks for reading my new story I hope you liked it!

The kidnapHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin