The Plane

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"Flight 92B to Rome is now boarding" a loud speaker announces. I get up grab my duffle bag, and bored the plane. When I get seated I start to look for my target John Cruze. He is a part of  an organization of which profits off of terror. I spot him as the plane takes off, and then I wait till night and then he goes to the bathroom. I get up and take one of the knitting needles of the women in front of me who fell asleep knitting. I get to the bathroom's  door, and unlock and quickly get in and get my hand over his mouth. "Where is the flash drive?" I ask him, "I don't know what you are talking about! John shouts. I quickly put my hand back over his mouth. "Shhh! do that again and when I kill you I won't make it fast!" I tell him sticking the knitting needle harder in his neck drawing blood. " I'm going to take my hand off and, you're going to tell me wear it's at." I take my hand off and he is about to scream then I jab the needle though his beck severing his spinal cord. I lay him on the floor take the needle out of his neck wash up, walk out and lock the door then go back to my seat.

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