Just one day

33 2 1

Authors pov

         Jimin arrived at Namjoons, when the older boy opened the door he greeted the younger with a smile. Jin talked to Jimin for a while and explained the tae problem, he told Jimin to not he his hopes up because yoongi is very unpredictable. Before leaving the house Namjoon made one last call to yoongi, "you're coming right?" He asked. Yoongi replied with "I don't have a choice.". Namjoon smiled and hung up. The boys got into the car and started driving. Namjoon felt a empty space in his stomach, he was keeping a secret from one of his best friends. Jin was on the phone waiting for a text back Lisa his best friend. Jimin on the other hand was nervous. He was going to see the guy he met and let him blow him off. He giggled at the thought of it. The radio was playing 'baby, don't cry' by EXO. Jimin Jammed along to the song. When they arrived at the beach they set up blankets and food. They heard a car horn and turned around hoseok and yoongi had arrived. Namjoon and Jin ran to say hi while Jimin was at the edge of the beach with his feet in the sand.

          "Jimin." Yoongi said Jimin turned his head and smiled. Yoongi got close to him and sat down letting the waves wet his pants. Jimin sat next to him and looked up. The two were silent, it was the kind of silence that made you happy. The silence that didn't make you feel alone or awkward. The silence when you finally put a baby to sleep. It was a white silence. Yoongi spoke up "so... I realized your hair isn't silver.. it's pink."
"Yeah... i dyed it last night. It was silver when we first met though."
Yoongi nodded in agreement, Jimin stared at yoongi and admired his little face features. The way his nose would crunch every time the water passed his thighs. The way his hair moved when the wind rushed against it. Jimin didn't know it but he was falling in love. He never believed in love at first sight but looking at yoongi he started to believe. Yoongi turned and looked at Jimin. "What?" He smiled
"You're beautiful." Jimin said.
Yoongis heart filled with happiness. He said thank you and blew him a kiss. Jimin looked back at the ocean. This time yoongi looked at him. He saw how his eyes were puffy the way his mono lids made his eyes have a baby charm. The  way his socks were pulled all the way up. Could he be his new form of happiness?

"What's up Yoongi?"
"I realized I never officially introduced myself."
"Oh..neither did I.. well I'm park Jimin, i like dying my hair... ummmmm i love to dance. My parents own a hotel and my dream is to become famous. You?"
"I'm Min Yoongi. I don't really have any passions or hobbies. I rap."
"No just in clubs or I sell my songs."
"So you're a backstreet rapper?"
"We aren't all perfect. You have to find ways to make money or you'll starve in this world."
"Sorry to disappoint."
Jimin looks down. He sees the shining sand that crashes between the waves.
"See this sand. (He picks up wet sand.) with this you can perfectly make a sand castle. With just the right amount of water and dry sand it can become big and strong. Add to much water your castle will crumble down. Add to much sand it'll never get bigger. You min yoongi are the wet sand, perfect. You can easily become something beautiful and big. But don't over flow your self with to much water, and don't just be sand you need and equal amount of everything to make it."
Yoongi looks at Jimin, he lifts an eyebrow.
"Did you compare me to sand?" Yoongi laughs, Jimin covers his blushing cheeks and puts his head down. Yoongi giggles even more and picks up jimins head. He stares at the younger boy and smiles. Leaning in he kisses his lips. Jimin turns a deep red and kisses back. Yoongi breaks the kiss and looks at Jimin. "I hope my lips didn't hurt you, or feel like sand." He said laughing,

A few feet away Jin looks at namjoon, Jin is worried about namjoons meeting him. Hoseok returns from the car and brings out the food. Namjoon calls for yoongi and Jimin to come. The two other boys meet up and sit next to them. "You guys are stupid." Said yoongi. The other boys look at each other and then at the food. "We forgot the chopsticks." Jin says rolling his eyes. Jimin smiles and opens his bag. "I always carry 2 sets of chopsticks. " and hands a pair to yoongi. Yoongi tilts his head slightly, and lifts an eyebrow. "Who Carries extra chopsticks?"
"He's actually smart, I guess the rest of us have to use our hands." Said hoseok. The boys all start eating, when they finished eating they went back to the water, the splashed around and enjoyed time, Jin got out his go-pro and recorded all of them, today was a perfect day. Everything was amazing. Around 9pm they left and went him, yoongi walked Jimin till they reached his door step.
"Hyung." Jimin said.
"Can I call you later?"
"Yes... and Jimin. Thank you." Yoongi reached jimins face and kissed his cheek. Jimin turned pink. Yoongi looked at Jimin and smiled. Jimin smiled back.
"Imma go now. Take care, I'll be waiting for your call."
Yoongi backed away and waved at Jimin, jimin waved back and went inside. When he closed the door, jimin leaned against the door and smiled as hard as he could he fell to the floor and covered his face. "He kissed me....Min Yoongi really kissed me." He lightly hit his feet on the grown and didn't stop smiling, "MIN YOONGI KISSED ME!" He yelled. Outside Yoongi put his head against the door, he heard the younger boy scream. He laughed and started to head home.

Okay this was a fluffy chapter and no cliffhangers today,

--------- Okay this was a fluffy chapter and no cliffhangers today,

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