wat a day

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               Adym woke up and turned to give Ava a kiss, but she wasn't there. Her phone was still sitting on the night stand with her water. Adym smelled around the room to see if she was cooking but she wasn't. Adym went downstairs but Sawyers phone was on the couch still and Ava and Sawyer were no where to be found. Adym got really curious. Adym looked out the window to see if Sawyer or Ava's car were out in the parking lot but they weren't. Sawyer's car was in the parking lot but not Ava. Adym was worried as hell!!

                                                    ~2 hrs later~

*the door unlocking*

                  Ava and Sawyer come stumbling in with a whole bunch of bags! And Adym is sitting on the couch with his phone in his hands!

          " Oh hey your up" Ava and Sawyer said 

" Where the hell have you guys been I've been worried sick about you guys" he said with a slight crack in his voice!

" Chill babe me and Sawyer just went and had a little bit of hang out time, and bout some groceries" she said giggling at how upset he was

" WELL WHAT THE HELL YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK TO BRING YOUR FUCKING PHONE WITH YOU" he yelled making Ava slightly jump and take a few steps back!

" Adym i'm sorry I-I-I just I don't know" she said with hot tears running down her face

" damn bro you didn't even have to do that your making her fucking cry. What did she ever do to you"? he said getting a little pissed off.

   While Adym and Sawyer were downstairs arguing Ava got her phone and made sure to text Adym that she was going out. She snuck by and got her keys off of the counter. She started to pull out of the parking lot and Sawyer and Adym were running down the stairs. Sawyer came running up to the car begging her not to leave.


~an hour 1/2 later~

        ~Adym's point of view~

Ava came tumbling inside with a guy behind her. I was wondering who he was. The strange guy brung Ava inisde and told them to tell Ava to text him when she was sober. Adym stood up and said

" Wait who are you dude" with a little bit of saltiness in his tone of voice

  The strange dude said " I'm Avana's big brother, she kind of had a little bit too much to drink"

" woah Avana I thought" nevermind Sawyer said

                                                                          ~ THE NEXT DAY~

"uhhhhhhhhhh" Ava said very low.

" Aww babe are you ok" he asked giggling

" how did I get here" she asked very low and confused

"your brother brung u home Avana " he said really waiting for a reaction

"oh hell no don't ever say that again. And go get me some Advil please bby"

" I got you baby girl" Adym said giving Ava a kiss on the head

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