Good to bad??

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We got into our cars and drove to the hotel that I had stayed at the night previously. I got out my car and soon after Adym got out of his! We walked through the doors and the woman at the front desk greeted us but was staring Adym up in down very seductively. I just brushed it off and turned the corner to go to the elevator Adym soon trailing behind me. We got to our floor and I unlocked the door and Soi had the biggest smile on his face! He looked up and saw Adym and soon frowned. The shower was running and I presumed it was Frimzy. Adym looked around the room for a couple minutes and tried to talk to Sawyer but Sawyer was ignoring him. "Hey um Soi can I please talk to you for a quick second...outside on the balcony"! He soon nodded his head in agreement.
"Okay Soi he didn't cheat on me I swear he didn't it wasn't even him in the bathroom"... I continued to tell Sawyer what happened and he nodded his head in agreement! We walked back inside to see Adym on his phone. He looked up and smiled and looked back down at his phone. Sawyer was playing some Music and I was singing along to the music! The water in the bathroom stopped and I just ignored it and kept on singing. I looked over at Adym and he was getting up and going towards the door. "Babe where are you going" I asked still jumping on the bed. "I'm gonna get a drink want one"? "No I'm good babe but thanks". Adym walked out of the room and Frimzy walked in the room.
"Hey Ava your back I thought that was you" Frimzy said smiling. He had on no shirt joggers and a pair of black nike socks. Sawyer turned on Bodak yellow and Frimzy got on the bed with me and was singing the Lyrics! Sawyer got on the other bed and was singing too!😂the door opened and Adym walked in he was looking at his phone and then soon looked up. He made eye contact with Frimzy and his eyes were full of anger!! Frimzy looked at me and then hopped off the bed and looked at Adym. They were now face to face. Tbh I was so scared of what would happen next. I looked at Sawyer and Sawyer was looking at Adym and Frimzy and then soon turned his attention over to me. Adym and Frimzy were bickering back and forth and I thought it would be fine until Frimzy pushed Adym. I was getting ready to get off of the bed and Adym pushed Frimzy and Frimzy bumped into me and While I was getting off the bed. I had one foot on the ground and when Frimzy bumped into me  and my foot slipped cause I had socks on and I fell. The entire room went silent and Sawyer jumped off of the bed and cane to check on me. "Owwww it hurts" I whimpered because it hurt so bad
"It's ok you'll be ok"said Sawyer
"Omg this is all my fault" Frimzy and Adym said in usion.
"The pain is overwhelming my entire leg" I whined
" ok we'll take you to the hospital" Sawyer said worried as hell.
" Adym get her shit together and then put it in your car I'll drive hers,and Frimzy you get my wallet and stuff and let's go now" Sawyer said very parent like.
" Soi I don't think I can walk"I said looking up at him
"Come on you got this"he said with his eyes very tear like.
I went to go walk and fell right back down. "Ok maybe you should get on my back come on let's go everybody" he said lifting
on my back.

So sorry for how long it's taken me to update😭but thank you guys so much for reading my book. But make sure to comment and vote for this chapter💕LOVE YOU GUYS😚😚

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