Chapter 64

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Chapter 64: Cold

"Brie, he is better of without you!"


"Mingyu, you don't know how much this means to me."

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, my heart started to beat uncontrollably.


"This," she spoke,

"Tzuyu, I don't understand."

"This marriage, Mingyu. You made me the happiest woman in the world, but you need to accept you have a family, me and Nayeun are just your outsiders."

"Shh, baby. No, you aren't outsiders." I whispered and hugged her.

"Shh, you are not."  I mumbled, kissing the top of Tzuyu's head.

"Don't ever think of that, hm?"

"It is the truth, Mingyu."

"It isn't. Sh, listen to me, baby." I lifted her chin up using my two fingers.

She stare at my eyes as I stare at them passionately, "Tzuyu, you are the most wonderful woman I've ever met. The strongest, the bravest , and the perfect mother & wife." I say, as our foreheads touch each others, I can see a much better view from Tzuyu face, this way.

"Look at me," I say.

"Baby, look at me." I let out,

She then looked at my mesmerized eyes, as I come close her face.

Our upper lips merely touching, I pressed my lips against hers as she join me in the kiss.

We accidently tripped on the bed, as land in it. We stopped the kiss, as we stare at each others face, catching our breathes.

"I love you," Once again, I kissed her, caressing her head softly.

We got on the next step, undressing her coat as we continue to kiss each other.


I covered my body with the blanket as

"I love you," I whispered, as she giglgled.

"I love you more," She responded.

"Alright, thats my baby." I said, and gave her one more kiss.

We had a really nice time together, and what I mean nice, in the bed.

I missed her so much.


"Mingyu!" I call out,

"Mingyu's not here." Gina said, with her legs up.

"Where.." I stopped and coughed, "did he go?" I asked, with a cough in the end.

"Ugh, seriously? Cover your mouth. Well, as for you, I don't know."

Fall In Love With Me | k.mgyu and c.tzuyuWhere stories live. Discover now