The Next Day

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I got up and we were still in the parallel place I was hoping it was just a dream but it wasn't. I As I tried to get up I noticed I couldn't move I tried to tell Jasmine that I couldn't move and it's like she can't hear me, I scream to her that I couldn't move and she didn't respond, I can't move, talk and it's getting harder for me to breathe. I start to Panic it's been a minute so far and nothing is getting better it's only getting worse. I try to calm myself down so I close my eyes, as I start to open my eyes I notice something Tall in the corner but I can't make out what it is, I notice every time I blink it seems to get closer and closer at this point I don't know what to do. I close my eyes and I start to feel a big pressure on my chest, my chest starts to get heavy and it is really started to get harder to breathe. I open my eyes for what feels like the last time and the tall figure is at my foot. I try so hard to move and it's not working. so far at this point, it feels like its been forever so I close my eyes and I try for the last time to move and I can move finally. I'm out of breath and I almost start to cry and Jasmine notices me and asks me what's wrong and I tell her I was screaming and she wouldn't answer and that I couldn't move but she said that I was sleeping and I said oh, maybe it was just a dream. I notice that Jasmine and I are in a different place though I get up and just look around trying to find any type of way out and that's when I see a vent I notice a screw is missing but I don't know how to get the other screws out but then I remeber in my phone case I have card so then I go to vent and I use the card as a screwdriver it's hard but it's our only hope and it works but then I suddenly hear the same male voice and he says so you have found a way out of the room good luck getting back to reality next thing I know I hear a big noise then the walls start closing in and the only way out is the vent Jasmine grabs everything we might need a Blanket, food, flashlight and our phones as she gets close I pull her into the vent before she gets crushed and she makes it I try to look through the vented kind of hallway I guess you would call it and I try to find somewhere we can stay but I'm not lucky, at this point I just wanna keep looking but it's getting later and later and we haven't found anything but as I stop to take a breath I see something, I see what looks like a room in a house so I start walking faster and faster and I'm there it's a room, I kick out the other side of the vent and I'm in this room, there is a door, window, mini fridge, bathroom and a closet full of clothes but this looks too good to be true, me and Jasmine both hear something we hear other people talking so I start to think is this an actual house with a family living in it. I try to find somewhere to hide in the room and Jasmine and I decide to go back into the vent but I noticed as the girl was coming in I left the blanket on the floor. The girl that comes in seems around 17 years old. she notices me and Jasmines blanket on the floor. as she goes in the bathroom I decide to go out of the vent to try to get the blanket but I fail. She see's me and at first she is scared and shook but then she says who am I I tell her me and Jasmine's name and she tells me her name, at first I was shocked that she didn't kick me out but then she starts asking questions such as how did I get here, what am I, what do I want with her etc. I tell her my name and about myself I ask her who is she and where am I she says her name is Leilani and she is 18  I tell her I'm 18 too. I tell her everything that happened to me so far and she says sounds normal I say why she tells me she is an outsider like me and Jasmine she isn't from here but she started living here to find out more about it. She says her family is also outsiders I look around and I'm scared I just met her I don't know if I should trust her or not but I have this gut feeling to trust her. I tell her everything that happens and she said gave me some helpful advice about a couple of situations that happened. when I couldn't move for two minutes she said that I had sleep paralysis, she says me and Jasmine should be prepared for what we are about to hear I said ok, she tells us this is a  parallel universe there is robots, witches, monsters, demons, angels, fairies, aliens, mermaids etc. I'm shocked I just got here and this thing from my nightmares trapped me and Jasmine then we had to get out and got here and now I'm in a fantasy parallel world and 365 days here is 15 days in the real world. I've already been here for two days which is only two hours in the real world so I still got time before me and Jasmine's friends and families can notice we are gone. I am getting upset now I just wanna be home and I'm stuck in the nightmare of a world and I can't think of any way out unless. I ask Leilani if there is a way we can get any type of energy source and she says yeah but it might be hard, I'm thinking if I can create some type of energy source and maybe I can create the door the door kinda thing I would see in movies and get out of this universe. so Leilani tells me the way to get the energy sources to create it is to break this kinda spell I guess I would say that most of the creatures and mythical beings and things are in, the spell makes them not in control of their body if they see someone not under the spell then they either put them under the spell or they try to kill or hurt them its crazy when you think about it but it seems like normal for this parallel universe. but she said not all of the "Mythical creatures" are under the spell so if that's the case how haven't they died and can they help us. so they pretty much fake it until they make and the spell pretty much makes these creatures and people like zombies except with the features they already have. suddenly her family comes in but they are calm they said we heard the whole conversation and they say they would take me and Jasmine in so we could all figure out a way to get out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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