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"What are we doing here," I ask peering inside the window of the soup kitchen confused.

"I come here everyday,"

I see nearly 20 people all hungry and ragged looking. Some look like they're in their twenties and a few older.

"I've helped hundreds of people to date as sometimes them knowing you care can make a massive difference."

"Oh hi," I see a girl stumble towards us as she smiles at me,"Malory is really ill and for the last few days we have been struggling to provide."

"Malory is the owner of this kitchen and I told them you would help," He tells me. It turns out that Harry volunteers every week at this kitchen to help with a couple of other people like the girl who was talking before.

"Of course."

I feel my heart drop onto the floor as I realise how selfish I am.
People here are dying to live whereas I'm just living to die. I look around to see volunteers talk to everyone who break into relived smiles. I walk towards one man who reminds me of my grandfather. After speaking to him about the food, I wonder what caused him to be in this situation.

"How did you end up like this?"

"Being homeless is a form of trauma," he says. "But I believe everybody has a resilience."

After cooking dinner and talking to everyone, me and Harry walk out. I feel a proud grin emerge on my face as I wonder how pleased my parents would be if they were here to see.

"After today I've realised to help yourself, you should just help someone else," I say.
His expression turns into something that I don't recognise but then says,"Everyone could benefit from you helping out here, I actually saw Daniel smile today." He intertwines his hand with mine as we walk back to where I stay.

"Thank you," I say as he looks into my eyes for what feels like forever. He moves his head forward not breaking eye contact with a worried look on his face.

Is he gonna kiss me?
Should I kiss him back?
What if I'm a really bad kisser?

He moves his head back just as I decide that I wanna kiss him too.
"I'll see you at the bridge tomorrow, alive," he says leaving me embarrassed. I walk inside to my aunts home feeling so annoyed at myself.

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