Chapter 8

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It just wasn't going to be a good day.

Petra could already tell the moment she stepped through the front doors of the high school.

She told Hanji that she was going to be on time but did she actually listen? Nope.

Everyone was in class, the halls deserted which made the walk to her first hour even more miserable and lonely. Which only brought down her mood more.

This is terrible.

Petra groaned as the wet bottoms of her shoes squeaked on the linoleum floors of the high school and she walked to her first hour. She was pretty much dead. She had bags under her eyes and was much paler than usual. The natural rosiness that usually highlighted her cheeks was now gone. And mentally? Petra was gone as well. She was dead.

A ghost.

"Petra?" A familiar, low but soft voice came form behind her.

Slowly but surely, Petra turned around to see Eld and Gunter standing together. They were always together.

"Hm? Oh... Hey you guys." She did her best to raise her voice and put on a fake smile. She was crumbling on the inside though and all she wanted to do was run out the front doors. She didn't want to be here.

"How're you holding up?" Gunter stepped forward and gently embraced Petra, followed by Eld giving her a tight embrace as well, but Petra didn't give either of them a hug back.

She didn't even respond. Petra was not herself.

"I... I don't want to be here anymore..."

"Hey, we know it's difficult but don't worry, things get better." Elf said.

"Yeah, and you have all of your friends to help you get through-"

"I don't mean being at school!" Petra raised her voice suddenly, causing Eld and Gunter to step back a little in surprise.

Neither of the boys responded as they watched Petra's shoulders begin to tremble and her bottom lip begin to quiver. Her hands had turned to balls of fists that clutched the single strap of her backpack tightly while her eyes were tightly shut.

"I don't want to be alive..."


Hello, hello, hello! Wow, EXTREMELY short chapter but it's worth something considering I haven't updated this book in 5ever. Idk if anyone of you are still reading my stories but bless your hearts if you still are. ❤️


I have not watched AOT in like 3 years so I EXTREMELY apologize for characters being out of character and stuff. I'm just trying to finish these books so I can finally move on with my life.

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this really short chapter but hopefully you also stay in tune for what's coming.

Thank you for all of your reads and votes!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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