Chapter 1

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Petra sat there at the table, waiting for her date to arrive. She constantly checked the time on her phone.


"13 minutes late. " Petra thought. "He'll get here soon, I know he will. "

8 more minutes

"Shit! I'm late!" Levi rushed around the room as he made last minute adjustments to his appearance.

"What are you late for?" Eren asked as he poked his head into Levi's room.

"Shut up, Jaeger!" Levi yelled as he ran out of the room, past Eren, and out the door to his car.

After Levi settled into the car seat he threw on his seat belt and quickly pulled out his phone to check the time.


"Shit!" Levi whisper-screamed. He quickly sent Petra a text.

Sorry I'm running late, be there soon!



*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep*

Petra noticed the blinking light her phone made every time she got a text. She opened up her phone and realized that the blinking light indicated a text from Levi this time.

Sorry I'm running late, be there soon!


"Well, at least I know he's coming." Petra sighed and prepared to wait a little bit longer.



"Come on! Go already! The lights green!" Levi yelled as he honked the horn numerous times. He checked his phone.


"Ugh, kill me now." Levi sighed. The traffic began to clear and he was well on his way to see the gorgeous Petra. As Levi continues to drive along the road to the restaurant he hears his phone start to vibrate. He grabbed it to see who the incoming call is from. Petra.


"Are you almost here?" Petra asked from the other end of the line.

"Yeah, I'm about-" Petra heard Levi's voice cut off and tires screeching, all ending with a final crash!

"Levi?" Petra asked. Silence. "Levi!" Petra said a little bit louder. She heard nothing until the line clicked dead. The chair tipped over as she stood up quickly. She ran out of the restaurant, ignoring the goodbyes and "I hope you'll come back soon."

"Would you like me to pull your car up mam?" The valet asked her.

"Oh yes, please. I'm in a hurry so if we could make this quick it would be appreciated."

"Okay. No problem mam. Do you still have your ticket?" The valet asked.

"Yes." Petra dug around in her purse for her ticket. "Ugh, come on!" She dug around more furiously. "Found it!" She yelled as she pulled out her ticket and gave it to the valet.

"Give me about 5 minutes, mam. Your car is just down that row." The valet pulled out Petra's car keys from beneath the booth and began to walk down the parking lane.

Petra looked at her watch. "Ugh, there's no time!" She took off her low heeled shoes and ran past the valet. "I'm sorry but I don't have enough time!" She took the keys out of the valet's hand and ran down further to her car. She found her car, got in and started the engine. After pulling out of the restaurant parking lot, she began to drive in the direction of Levi's apartment, knowing that's where he would be coming from.

"Please don't let anything be terribly wrong. Please!" Petra cried out during the drive. Tears rushed down her cheeks.

Petra kept driving until she saw the red and blue flashing lights. She dried her tears, stopped the car in the middle of the road and jumped out. She ran over to the accident only to find a car crash.

"No..." She whispered to herself. Laying on the ground after being pulled from the vehicle, covered in blood, was Levi. Her darling Levi, looking as handsome as ever in his suit, was covered in dirt and blood. The dark red blood stained his suit as well his hair and body. His face bruised badly, but not badly enough to wear she couldn't recognize him. She would always be able to recognize him.

"NO!" Petra screamed out. She ducked under the police tape and ran over to Levi.

"Levi..." Petra barely managed to choke out the words as she stared down to his damaged face. She put his head into her lap and wept.

"Petra..." Levi whispered.

"I'm right here." She continued to weep.

"You look beautiful..." Levi whispered as he took his final breath and his eyes began to close.

"No, no... Please... Don't leave." Petra whispered to the unconscious Levi, tears running down her cheeks. "Not yet." She wept and wept knowing that he wouldn't hear her and wouldn't wake.

"I love you." Petra laid her head on top of his so their foreheads were touching. She couldn't stop herself from crying over the one she loved whom she just lost.

A man from behind shook her shoulder.

"Mam, you can't be near the accident." He grasped her shoulders and forced her to her feet. She resisted every bit of the way.

"No!" She fought till she found no more strength inside of her. "No..." She whispered finally as she caught a final glimpse of Levi's eyes and watched a paramedic put a sheet over him, indicating he had passed.

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