Chapter 20

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I felt something hard and cold against my face, and my hands and feet had gone numb. i wanted to open my eyes but i couldnt find the strength within me. My stomach yearned for food and i could feel that i was laying on my side, on the cold floor i imagine. I tried to move my feet to get the circulation going again and some feeling did come back but after about 5 minutes of wriggling, i could still only just feel the floor with my toes. After what seemed like ages, i managed to pluck up the strength to plaster my eyes open. My eyes darted around the familiar room and then down at my hands. There were bruises appearing all over my arms and there was a tight coarse rope fastening my wrists together. Shit. I looked further down to see that my ankles were also tightly bound with the same old rope. Then i realised that this was going to be trickier than i once thought. And then, i began to panic. what if they hurt Chris? the amazing father of my baby. Fuck. The baby! i stared down at my stomach and felt a wave of guilt wash over me. If chris had found the note, he must be going out of his mind! oh god, what the hell have i done?? he could be in danger, i thought. I began to shake and struggle against the ropes. FUCK!! i screamed in pain, they must've broken some bones. i clutched my leg and bit my wrist as hard as i possibly could to stop me from screaming when i glanced down to see a piece of bone petruding out of my shin. Thick dark blood ran steadily from my leg forming a large puddle around my calf. I couldnt bare to look any longer, and i let a stray tear fall from my eye. This would be impossible. I focussed my attention on trying to get out and loosen the knot that bound my bruised wrists. Every so often i would accidentally move my thigh and send phenomenal spurts of pain down my broken leg and i would have to bite my self again. i held my hands up to my mouth and bit at the knot over and over. After what seemed like forever, the knot began to loosen slightly and the feeling in my hands began to return a little. Then i heard a set of keys rattling and someone turned a key in the bedroom door...

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