🌸 Prologue {Edited}

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(A/N): woooho, great start, isn't it? Eid Mubarak to all the lovely people throughout the planet. 🎉

Edited by MuslimPhoenix 💜

She's an amazing author with fantastic vocabulary! Check her books, you'll like them.



Adena's POV-

I stared blankly at the warm and clear, cloudy evening that graced the world outside my window.

With a small smile, I placed the novel that I was reading on the brown study table that stood beside my bed, and I gingerly stretched my tired body. Realizing while doing so that my stomach was screaming for food.

Making my way downstairs I succumbed to my poor stomach's cries and headed towards the kitchen. Once there, I quickly skimmed the drawers for something to eat, only to find a lonely cup of ramen. Glorious and delicious, just screaming for me to gobble it down.

Hamza must have brought or me. I thought with a small smile.

After quickly boiling some water and pouring it into my cup, I take it and approach our living room slowly, my eyes scanning the dimly lit vicinty.

There sat my elder brother, laying comfortably on the couch, a ramen cup tightly clutched in his hands. I watch him briefly with a smirk as he licked his lips absentmindedly while watching the television. Smirking still, I snort slightly and plop down beside him.

"Thanks," I muttered as I open the cup's lid and settle into a more comfortable position on the couch.

"You're not welcome," he sighed, briefly tearing his gaze away from the t.v., "because you didn't-"

"I didn't ask why you suddenly decided to be so kind" I cut him off with a smirk, "I'm not going to clean up your barn of a room every time." I shrugged making him scowl.

Huh! I ain't a maid, not even for my brother. Plus, I didn't ask for the ramen, and thus I am not obligated to return the favor. He has no right to pout. Still...

That's my annoying brother for you!

A comfortable silence followed as we watched the television together. Eventually, my tiredness from earlier took over.

"I'm going upstairs." I declared with a tired yawn, got up and made my way towards the staircase without waiting for his reply. However, my steps immediately ceased as my eyes caught the phantom of shadow that looked much like my mom's in the kitchen. Peeking in to take a closer look I discover that it truly is her.

"Good evening mom." I greeted.

"Evening Ad," she replied curtly without looking at me.

Too formal? I'm used to it. It's not like I was expecting a hug or anything. Heh.

I spun on my heels and headed back towards the stairs, then made my way to my room with one thought bombarding my poor brain.

Why isn't she out today? I have hardly seen mom at home when dad's also here.

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