🌸 California

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You're a sweetheartMuslimPhoenix

Adena's POV-

"Now it's no secret that I suck at cooking, so... I ordered a girl's best friend.. a pizza!" Sophia exclaimed excitedly and grinned.

Placing my suitcase down I nod and throw myself on the couch, allowing it to embrace my tired figure with its warmth.

My eyes trailed over the somewhat small but cozy living room. From where I sat on the couch, I could see the door to the kitchen and three closed doors. The bedrooms, I presumed.

The second I stepped out of the car and my poor eyes met with the huge twelve-storey building, I almost fainted from fatigue.

There's NO WAY I am climbing twelve flights of stairs!

Just then, my phone began ringing and I groaned, wondering who in their right mind would call me when I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Taking my phone out I glare angrily at the name displayed on the screen.
Sophia, it said.

Quickly, I pressed the answer button and brought the phone to my ears, only to quickly retract my hand back.
Why the hay was she laughing like a mad scientist into the phone?

Annoyed, I trailed my eyes up the building until my eyes landed on a certain balcony on the eighth floor.

One that had a hijabi girl that was looking down at me whilst shaking violently. She laughs with her whole body, apparently.

Laughing at my misery.

Slamming my finger against the screen of my phone, I groaned in an attempt to carry my not-so-light bags.

When they were all safely gathered within my weak arms, I slowly began walking towards the elevator-less monster in front of me.

"I. Hate. You," I declared with annoyance for the hundredth time since I set foot in the apartment. I still can't believe that she was laughing at me.

"Aww, forgive and forget, Adena, forgive and forget," Sophia giggled as we finished the tour around her house, "plus, I am literally taking you under my wing. You should be thankful!"

I simply shook my head as Sophia showed me my to-be room. The room was big with brown and cream colored walls. Two of the walls had panorama-style windows covering them, allowing me a wonderful view of the city. Beside the huge glass window was a king-sized bed with a nightstand beside it and a desk parallel to it- the desk had a mini study table beside it and two, empty shelves hovering proudly above it.

To top it off, I had my personal bathroom AND balcony!

"Do you like it?" Sophia asked carefully as she moved to stand beside me.

How did I answer?

I simply closed my mouth, which had dropped in awe, and nodded eagerly.
This is like a princess' room. Except that I am not a princess and this is not a castle.

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