Here to Help!

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Do you publish your writings online?

Do you get harassed by readers for small errors?

Would you like some (free) help?

Do you think I sound like a tacky TV advert?


Well, I'm here to help! Yay, free services!

I know what you're thinking: who is this strange internet person, can they even spell without a computer, why should I even accept their help? - I'm Jai, yes I can (unless it's a stupid word like serendipitous), and because I need your help too.

I'm an English Literature student at university, and my dream is to be an editor when I graduate. There's one small problem with my life plan though, I need editing experience to get this dream job.

"Get an internship then dumba**!" - I tried. You need experience to get experience. Editing your own writing doesn't count apparently.

I don't expect you to accept my help without cause though, so here's my resume (kind of):

- I'm a writer myself, not including the mandatory essays I slave away on most of the year. I've mostly written non-fiction articles for academic newsletters, but I also write fiction (if you want examples, they can be provided).
- Mostly, I read. There's is a good chance I've read some of you work, and I liked it. I don't discriminate by genre, whether you write romance, horror, fan-fiction, or comedy, I don't judge. That's why I want to help you. I don't care how many views or votes you get. I just want you to feel confident in your work. Helping authors create their truth is my aim in life.
- I'm a naturally dirty-minded person. If you write "smutty" romances, I will still help edit your work.
- I've taken university level writing courses. In particular I took a course with a group of students whose first language was not English (although it is mine, God Save the Queen and all that). First off, they were all awesome and way smarter than me. Secondly, they helped me understand how difficult it is to learn, not only a new language, but also a new set of punctuation and grammar rules. Turns out the English system is pretty stupid.
- I have no social life. I'm used to reading an average of four-hundred pages of text per-week for university and taking detailed notes. If you write it, I can give you feed back pretty quickly.

If, by some miracle, I have convinced you that I can be of help, message me here on Wattpad. From there we can decide how much and what type of help you would like. I'd love to work with you, and see you succeed in your writing endeavours!   

Speak to you soon, Jai

Keep Calm and Get an EditorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ