Act I: The Fire

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I watched as it happened. My life slowing fading away, being sucked from me. I saw them come in and take my father. They put a cloth over his mouth and he passed out. The strange person was wearing a black cloak to cover their face. They bent over my father and heartlessly slit his throat. I hid in the cabinets, waiting for the monster to leave. Before they did, it set my house aflame, leaving no time for me to mourn over my father's body. I ran from my haven that used to be precious to me, leaving it behind.

My bare feet dared to slow me down, but I pushed all my energy into getting far away from here. I stole glances behind me, wiping the tears from my face. Today, I am strong. Today, I will move on. Today, I will talk to Grandma Alice about Wonderland.

It was a sacred thing, she had told me, said she was mad from it. That's why she was put in the asylum when she was only seventeen. At first, they thought it was becuase she was pregnant with my father. But after he was born, she was still having the delusions. Her stories of the other world were pleasant, as she told me them many times. Everytime I went to visit her in the asylum, she told me these amazing tales of how she met a hatmaker gone terribly insane. She said his name was Hatter. The Mad Hatter.

I dreamed of meeting him one day, and now was my chance. He seemed so random and impossible to figure out, which made me curious about him. I always wanted to know more from what the very vauge descriptions of him.

And the Curious Cat she always talked about. She said he could disappear in an instant, leaving only behind a creepy smile.

If I could escape to Wonderland, I would be invincible. Unbeatable. I could escape the troubles of today and live a life of tomorrow.

This was it, I was finally going to wonderland.

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