Act IV: Falling

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Grandmother was impregnated by someone she didn't even know. She always avoided the subject, telling me I was too young to listen. I asked my father, but he ignored me too. I was obviously curious why she never told me who put my father in her care.

The objects moved slower than I did. My hair was wisked into my face. The large emptiness was growing bigger, and I couldn't see an end. Things floated by me, as I was going at a much faster pace then them. Grandmother never told me about the falling into oblivion. Never.

I saw a piano float by, playing a song. I reconized the tune from earlier. Once again my lullaby floated in my eardrums, causing sweet memories of my childhood to flood back into my mind. Oh, those sweet days spent with my father, dreaming of Wonderland. He said he thought it was real too, but I knew he just said that to make me happy. He believed it was not real at all, that his mother was crazy, but I always believed her. She was right all along.

The piano flew by quickly, causing the memories to stop short. I was brought back to the reality that I was falling at a rididculous speed. The hole was made of dirt, with odds and ends sticking out. If I were to stick out my hand, it would surely fall off.

Then the next object floated by slow, keeping pace with me. It was a man in a cloak, hidden beneath the shadows the hood gave. Horrid memories crossed my mind, which I have tried to keep back all of these years. When my mother and father died, when my grandmother was put into an asylum for no reason. There is no reason, really. I'm going there now, the reason she's back there.

I tried to wait for the man to speed behind me, but he was going the same speed, while the memories of death in my family were flipping through my mind. I held my head in my hands, trying to block them out.

I realized I should've died by now. At the rate that I am falling, I would suffucate and die by now. What's happening? Is this the change from reality to dreamland? I also realized I didn't need to breath. No oxygen was needed for my body, and no carbon dioxide to exhale. Strange. No blinking, I checked. When I tried, they refused to close. So now I can't breath or blink. So I obviously would've died at this rate.

Was this what grandmother was talking about? Your body just doesn't function correctly in Wonderland? Why would you need to blink when there was so much to see? Grandmother had warned me never to go too long, as she had tried once. It will suck you up into it's grap of beauty.

I wondered how time was like here compared to in the real world. How long was an hour here? A millisecond in real time? Grandmother said that when she escaped for the first time, she woke up and it was almost supper.

I just wanted this to end, really. How could someone fall without getting tired. I saw a deck of cards pass by and I grabbed them. Might as well make yourself useful. I took out the cards, but they flew away. I sighed and threw the box below me.

Then, I saw a furry little animal pass by. He was holding the cards I just dropped, playing by himself. I couldn't get a good look of his face, but I knew who he was. The white rabbit who's always late. But he didn't look late. Where was his golden watch hooked to his green vest? Did he really have time to play a silly game of cards? Me? I had all the time in the world.

And that's when the dark abyss stopped, and Wonderland started.

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