Chapter 1 - Introduction

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A young teenageer was walking down the street late at night when they heard loud noises. It sounded like quite the party, so they decided to take a look. They silently stepped inside, looking around in awe. It was an amazing party. It had everything!

Food? Check.

Music? Check.

Games? Check.

People? Che- wait. There are less than five people here. There is a redhead that looks to be about 13. She looks quite mature though.

Then there is another girl. She looks to be a tween. She's wearing a bunny costume, and it's kinda cute on her.

Then there is this other redhead. She's drinking something that looks like alcohol, but that can't be right. She looks like she's 13 as well. It's illegal to drink.

One more person. Except I can't tell if it's a girl or a guy. They have short red hair, and glasses.

The mature teen notices the newcomer and goes over.

"Hey I'm Shawm. Want to come and dance with us?" She asked.

"Oh hi. My name is Ty. And I don't dance..." The newcomer explained.

"Neither do I, so you are dancing." Shawm replied, pulling Ty along to the dance floor.

"Fine. One dance." Ty started dancing a little. "Who are the other people?"

"The girl in the bunny outfit is Sofrick. The one drinking is Cookie. The one with the glasses is Crash. We are all good friends. We are also each other's family. We've had some rough lives. What about you? Why are you out so late at night?" Shawm asked.

"I was just out for a walk. No one will miss me at home." Ty replied, thinking of a quick answer. Shawm seemed to believe it.

All during the night, Ty went around getting to know the rest of the group. She found out they all had something in common. They all loved the two hero universes, Marvel and DC.

After a while, people started to calm down. But that's when Shawm and Ty noticed Cookie talking into her wrist a lot. Almost like she had a communicator cuff on....

Shawm motioned to Ty to go check it out. They both walked up to Cookie with determination in their eyes.

"Cookie? Who are you talking to?" Shawm asks.

"No one." Cookie says, maybe a little too quickly. She hides her wrist. Shawm and Ty look at each other, with their suspicions confirmed.

"Are you a spy?" Ty inquires. This makes Cookie freeze. Then she starts running.

Shawm and Ty split up, chasing at full speed. They finally catch her and manage to pin her down.

After awhile of threatening, they finally get her to talk.

She was a spy, but for a whole different universe...

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