The Omen Comes True

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A few hours had passed, and it was eleven in the night. Athena lay awake in bed, staring at the Pokéball of Amber on the nightstand. Amber and Xavier bonded so quickly and well... what would Amber do without her trainer? Athena thought over and over.

"I will take care of her," she whispered aloud.

Athena remembered the last thing she had said to Xavier. She meant what she said. She didn't know how it happened, and so fast... but Xavier meant it also. If he did survive with Athena, what then? Would they start dating and possibly marry? Would they move in together? They both had different plans in Hoenn. They would probably change quite a lot.

Athena shook her head. There wasn't time to think of that now. Anxiety for what was coming slowly boiled and rose up inside of her until she could not relax any longer. She got out of the oh-so cozy bed and changed into warmer clothes. She grabbed the life jacket she had gotten earlier and fastened it on, then put on her winter coat over it. April weather in the Atlantic was not very welcoming.

Athena gently nudged Axe a few times, and he finally stirred tiredly. She helped him into her bag along with Amber's Pokéball. He clutched it as if he promised to never let go. The girl and the Pokémon looked at each other for a moment. Then Athena nodded, and so did Axe. He dove further into the bag. Athena then got a thick cloth and tucked it around Axe and the Pokéball to keep them both warm.

Athena thought that Amber probably had everything she needed inside her ball. Heat, food, shelter... she wished Axe had a Pokéball also. She had never actually caught Axe, she just found him abandoned in a storm drain when she was little-to little to have Pokémon-and never actually got around to officially catching him.

Maybe I can now, Athena wondered. She opened a dresser drawer where she had stored extra Pokéballs and took Axe out of her bag. She placed Axe on the bed and grabbed a regular Pokéball out of the dresser, setting it facing Axe beside him.

"Go on," Athena urged quietly. "Go inside. You'll be safer." Axe stared at his owner for another moment before touching his nose to the button on the ball. He was sucked inside by a red light that also engulfed him like it had Amber.

The ball shook a bit before it made a clicking sound and stopped. Axe was officially her Pokémon now. Athena couldn't help but feel some pride in herself. She had officially caught a Pokémon to really call her own.

She put Axe's Pokéball inside her bag beside Amber's, and draped the cloth over once more just in case the balls weren't heated.

Athena and the Pokémon were ready. Now she could only hope that Xavier was too. They had agreed to meet at the lifeboat closest to the bow on the port side of the ship.

Athena took a deep breath, told herself to stay calm, and she left the cabin for what she believed could be the last time.

Athena traveled down the hallway and into the reception room, where all was still. It's so less appealing at night..., she thought. She hurried up the staircase all the way to Boat Deck. She raced outside onto the port side deck, and cold struck her face. She was glad she had gotten a better place for Axe before they left.

Athena rushed to the boat closest to the bow of the ship. Xavier was not there. But she would wait for him. And she did. For forty minutes, until something loomed in the distance ahead. Then, a few seconds after it neared closer, she heard shouting from the bridge: "Hard A Starboard!"

The boat quickly jeered to the side, nearly knocking Athena into the boat she stood by. The object was an iceberg. It scraped the side of the ship. "The ship must be sinking," she whispered to herself. "Xavier was right."

And now she hoped she had been right that Xavier would be fine if he stayed awake. Surely he felt the bumping as the ship hit the iceberg.

More time passed, and people were beginning to gather on the deck. Xavier wasn't among them. Then, to some doorways, crew members started locking gates. They would let first-class into boats first, and leave the lower-class passengers to possibly die. The bow of the ship was beginning to become engulfed in water.

"Athena!" Athena heard someone shout her name. She raced to one of the locked gates and saw someone trapped inside.

It took her a minute to realize who, but with a jolt it came to her that it was Xavier.

"Xavier!" She exclaimed, happy that he at least might have a chance at escape and hadn't already drowned. The two friends grasped onto each other's hands through the black metal gate. Xavier managed to catch a glimpse at the water on the bow deck. His eyes widened.

"Go to the boat closest to the stern," he told her. "I'm going to find another way there. I promise." He let go of her hand and turned to go back inside the ship, then asked, "How's Amber and Axe?" Athena replied, "They're fine. I got a Pokéball for Axe so that he might stay warm." Xavier smiled, and Athena was momentarily taken away from the horrific thought of if she never saw Xavier again, but then it returned when Xavier walked away reluctantly.

Athena nodded to herself, forcing herself to be braver for the both of them, and ran as fast as she can to the end of the boat deck. She finally made it, and the gates were still unlocked here, but crew members were still working their way towards those final gates.

More and more people gathered within the hour, and a few lifeboats had been launched already. But not the one Athena now stood at. The bow was completely engulfed by water and the grand staircase would fall victim soon. So would the rest of her stuff inside her cabin.

But that was unimportant in the face of danger. People were getting into the lifeboat Athena waited at, but Xavier was still not there. But he soon emerged onto the deck, just before a crew member came to lock that door also. He would've ushered Xavier back inside, but Xavier was still his best dressed, and he was probably assumed to be a second-class passenger. They were letting them into boats now.

Athena and Xavier hugged and began to step inside the lifeboat, but a crew member inside the boat stopped Xavier from stepping in to safety. "Hold it!" He told him in a rough voice. "Your a man. Woman and children first!" Athena's heart lurched. Would Xavier make it off the ship alive?

"I can help maneuver the lifeboat," Xavier told him in a begging voice. "Please." The crew member hesitated a moment, then rolled his eyes. "You better help, but come in." Athena filled with relief as Xavier took a seat in the boat. Moments later it was lowered into the ocean and rowed away from the ship and its dangerous current.

When they were far from the ship, the Pokétanic began to rise at the stern. Screams could be heard as the stern was raised higher and higher. The lights all across the ship flickered wildly, then went out. The night was now totally blackened, and only screams and the noise of the groaning ship filled the air. It was more bone-chilling then the cold air.

The ship then split in half between its third and fourth funnels. The remaining part of the stern stayed afloat for a moment, then tilted ninety degrees vertically. People slipped off of whatever they hung on to, while some others stayed on for the two minutes the rest of the ship bobbed in the water, before slipping peacefully into the sea.

The Pokétanic had sunk.

Pokétanic {Pokémon X Titanic Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now