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Years passed since the sinking of the Pokétanic, and Xavier and Athena got married a few years after that night of dread. They were rescued by the Carpokéan hours after the ship sank and dawn was on the horizon.

The couple found good living in Mauville City, and are happy there.

Amber evolved into a Pyroar and Axe took some time but evolved eventually into Fraxure and then Haxorous. They always stayed great friends.

While the sinking of the Pokétanic scarred the both of them forever, it didn't ruin other boat travel experiences. They both knew that it was the cockiness of the claims that the ship was unsinkable combined with the omen with a tinge of bad luck that sunk the ship that night.

Xavier became an esteemed trainer. While he aimed to become champion, he became a gym leader. That was good enough for him.

Athena hot a job at the Pokémon Centre in Mauville. She hated to see Pokémon hurt, and it was a pleasure to nurse them back to health.

Athena, Axe, Xavier and Amber all live great lives now-and they will for many years to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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