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Zac's POV

I stopped right behind her. She's just sitting there, motionless on the bench by the pond. This is the place where we had our first real conversation. I don't know what to say to her now. Maybe I'll just try to convince her to come home or something.

I stood there for 5 minutes trying to gain the courage to say something. She hasn't moved an inch, she hasn't fidgeted with her fingers, removed the strands of hair that blow across her face or even tilting her head. Nothing.

"Come home baby." I finally said something. She still hasn't moved. I walked around the side of the bench and sat next to her. I looked at her face, she had a medium sized gash on her cheek and blood smeared from it.

"What happened?" I asked, she looked pale. She didn't look at me, she just kept watching the pond.

"Jenna Adams." She spit out. I held her hand and saw it had dried blood on it.

"What did she do?" I asked, fearing the answer. Jenna said she slapped her. But a slap couldn't put a gash like this on Charlie's face. It looks like a knife did it.

"She hit me and threatened me." Charlie stated bluntly. I stood up and gently tugged on her hand. She refused to stand up and leave. I knelt down to be at eye level with her.

"Charlie. I have to get you some help. I don't know how deep the cut is." I said quietly as I tugged again. She kept looking at the water. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her out of the park to the car.

I drove to the hospital and carried her to the check in counter. She hasn't said a word since she told me what happened to her in that bathroom. Absolute silence.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The nurse asked not looking away from the computer screen.

"I need someone to check this cut out on my girlfriends cheek. To make sure she's okay." I said waiting for the sheets.

The nurse looked up, "If she just has a cut on her cheek, then why are you carrying her?" She asked with a smirk.

"I just need the sign-in forms." I said as nicely as I could. The nurse rolled her eyes and handed the papers to me. I put Charlie down in a seat and sat beside her while trying to fill the forms out. I tried asking her for the answers like her birthday, middle name, and so on. But she's stayed silent.

I give the sheets back to the nurse and she starts flipping through the sheets. "You do realize there are more questions you need to answer, right?"

"I'm fully aware that there are more questions, I just don't know the answers." I said.

"I'm pretty sure she knows the answers, ask her." The nurse said, like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I did. She won't reply, or acknowledge me, I don't even think she knows where we are! That's why I tried to fill out the forms, and that's why I carried her in! Because she can't." I exploded and walked away. I sat next to Charlie, she sat in the same position still, her eyes staring straight ahead at the wall. They looked empty.

I just watched her, she didn't move at all. "Charlie.." I grabbed her hand and held on for dear life. Like I was losing her. I felt like I was.

"Charlie Dare?" My head shot to where the voice came from. I stood up and walked to the doctor. "Are you Charlie? What seems to be the problem?" The doctor said sticking out his hand to me.

"No, I'm Zac. Zac Efron." I said as we shook hands. "That's Charlie." I pointed to where she was sitting, still staring at the wall. The doctor looked questioning as to why she was totally oblivious to us talking.

"Why isn't she responding, you reported a gash in her cheek, but there is nothing about this." He said motioning to her in her motionless state.

"I don't know what this is. I don't know what's wrong. She was attacked and threatened, I think the girl who attacked her used a knife. And Charlie told me and then stopped talking! She doesn't even move.." I said, worried and stressed as I looked at Charlie.

"Okay. Bring her with me." I went over and picked her up. The doctor started to walk down the hall and I followed. Once we reached the office I sat her on the table. And then hours of questioning and examining and tests. They stitched her gash up, she didn't even flinch. Not once.

They started to question what happened today again so I told them exactly what I knew. "Is that the truth or are you trying to cover up what you did with a lie?" The doctor asked, I stared at him in shock.

"What?!" I shouted at him.

"Did you do this to her?" He asked, seriously.

"N-" I was cut off.

"No, he didn't. Zac would never do that. So leave him alone." I stared at Charlie. She had spoken, but she still is sitting motionless and staring at the wall across the room. She still looks empty.

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