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Riley's POV
Well hiding my face in my hoodie didn't work at all whatsoever.
Daniel came up to me and chuckled
"Uh Riley what are you doing here and are you spying on us"
"um whattttt no not at all" I looked up at the ceiling
He raised an eyebrow
I looked at him "but no seriously we got an hotel and I wanted to look around "
He started laughing "oh okay are you
gonna swim?"
"Sure I'll go get my swimsuit and stuff"
"Okay bye" he left and walked back to the boys"
I ran to my hotel room and I ran into a door bcuz I'm clumsy as hell and I Was looking at my phone.
I finally arrived and ally was gone. Ok weird
I put my swimsuit on and grabbed my phone and a towel. And went back to the boys
I put my stuff down and jumped in the pool.
"Daniel your girl is lit as fuckkkk" I heard in the background
"HADLEY SHUT UR FACE" Daniel screamed and his face was tomato red it was so cute
I laughed and swam for awhile
It was 5 in the morning and we are still swimming. I got out and I said bye to the boys and Hadley and went to my room.


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