~==+ P r o l o g u e +==~

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Aphmau's Pov

"GUYS!!!!" Dante screamed charging down the front door of boys house with Aaron in tow closely behind,

"MY DOOR!!" Garroth scolded,

"We just got tickets to the super resort Love~Love Paradise, now come on the boats are about to leave" Dante finished,

In a blur of speed, everyone around me was dashing off pulling me along with them, in a matter of seconds everyone had gotten to their cars and we were making our way to the port, chatting about how excited they were while I silently contemplated how utterly screwed I was,


Landing on the shores of the Island resort I began hastily making my way down the narrow gangplank again and onto the concrete dock,

"Um Aph, are you okay? You look a little pale" Aaron questioned

Starting to panic I stuttered over my words "Y-yeah I-I just feel a little seasick is all" I managed to finish but not without earning a few questioning glances,

"You don't sound too sure" Garroth pointed out, I simply responded with a small nod trying to end the conversation quickly,

"Uh...Boys, you do know where we are staying right?" Katelyn questioned nervously while looking around uncertain,

"What an excellent question young lady" a perky male voice comes from nowhere seeming to answer Katelyn, looking around for the source I turn to see a grinning man smiling joyfully,

"WHERE IN THE NAME OF IRENE DID YOU COME FROM?" Katelyn screamed at the sudden appearance of the man,

"That's the beautiful thing, I come from everywhere and anywhere in this resort, for I am Guy the Guy" the man now known as Guy chirps,

"The Guy" I question,

"Yes, also known as the Guy~de" Guy respond with a beautiful pun, grinning ear to ear I smile,

"I Sea you Resort to puns" I respond hearing a few groans come from behind,

Guy laughs before continuing "I can never take a Vacation from them",

now cackling I start to respond " I'm shor- " Aaron covers my mouth just as I about deliver my best pun,

"Very very funny indeed but if you may be so kind as to show us where we are going to stay on our visit, it would be very well appreciated" Lucinda cut in,

"Ah yes, right this way esteemed guests," Guy said turning to show the way,

Finally pulling Aaron's hands away from my mouth I skipped after Guy eager to get away from the water,


"Katelyn~Sama, Aphmau~Senpai the merchant is here Kawaii~Chan called, making our way down the stairs we were greeted by a smiling lady who I assumed was the merchant because of the Love~Love Paradise uniform she wore, smiling back I made my way over to the racks of swimsuits she had brought,

"Something on your mind Aph?" Katelyn asks as we continue to look through the racks

"Eh, sort of" I responded without thinking "but don't worry it's nothing," I say correcting my mistake,

"Aphmau~Senpai knows that she can tell us anything," Kawaii~Chan says

"not this time" I mumble to myself,

"What was that Aph" Lucinda beside me now questions,

"Nothing, just want to try on one of these beautiful swimsuits" I reply, earning a few worried glances from the girls, ignoring the weird looks I find a beautiful purple swimsuit just my size, grabbing it I pay the sweet merchant and head upstairs to the bathroom and lock the door,

Letting out a sigh of relief I place my swimsuit on the towel rack and step in front of the mirror resting my hands on the sink and just think,

Moving to try on my swimsuit my foot lands in a puddle on the floor, before I could catch myself I slipped and fell with a thud right into more water, just my luck,

Great, even more, luck, it's saltwater, the puddle had formed from Lucinda's drenched clothes when Katelyn had pushed her in,

A knock came from the door "Aphmau, are you okay?" Recognising it as Katelyn herself I freaked out scrambling to get the water off me before I turned,

Attempting to answer only seemed to make it worse,

The door handle jiggled as I reached for a towel, there was some cursing behind the door before hearing "Aphmau I'm going to break the door down, in..." freaking out I grabbed the towel and rushed to dry myself,

"Three....." Katelyn's voice alarmed me of my time left,

"Two...." mumbling to myself in encouragement to go faster,

"One" Katelyn finished, throwing the towel down on the floor to cover the puddle I stood hoping I had gotten all the water off me just as Katelyn burst through the door slamming it open with Kawaii~Chan right behind her,

"Are you alright? I heard a bang come from here" Katelyn stated slightly confused,

"You girls are just overreacting, I slipped on some water that's all" I responded technically not lying,

"You sure, you weren't responding when I called to you" Katelyn questions raising an eyebrow,

"I was you probably just didn't hear me, Now SHOO SHOO, I've got to get changed," I said ushering them out and closing the door before sliding down and letting out a breath of relief, "that was close" I mumbled to myself.

Thank-you to @weirtaco for giving me the chance to write this story, this if you don't know already is a continuation of their book 'The Mermaid in Love~Love Paradise' the first two chapters will be based on that, anyway hope you enjoy the new book.

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