Chapter 1: The Hellhound

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It was a phenomenon.

The Monster Girl craze has gone global.

Even the creators of the Monster Exchange Program didn't think it would be as well-received as it was. Nearly every nation has now requested to adopt the programs into their respective countries. The demand was so high now that entire branches needed to be created dedicated to those countries to share the collective load.

One of the most popular markets for the program was unsurprisingly, America. The branch headquarters there is now one of the most successful turnouts out of the bunch. Americans, even with all their faults and predjudices, really took to the program almost immediatedly. The positive feedback from the extra-species who lived thers has created a massive demand for American hosts, as well as more exotic Monsters to become available to house and adopt.

It was common now to see man and monster hand in hand on the streets, with whole complexes dedicated to inter-species living. People's moods seemed to be happy, and peace seemed to have calmed world affairs and politics down to some extent. Even the current US President and other world leaders are now hosts to extra-species.

It seemed that it was finally Nathan's time to finally get into the program. 

Nathan was a young, college student. He was tall, with a slender but firm frame. His hair was dark brown, and was in the undercut style. He had blue-gray eyes, and a small scar on his lip from a birth defect. He was a mellow, go with the flow guy that would never get worked up or cause trouble. Perfect fit.

While there isn't like an test or an exam to take in order to apply, you do have to go through with a psychologial and phyiscal workup beforehand to be approved. Nathan had passed these, now he just needed to come in to his local office to get interviewed and fill out his preferences on monsters he liked.

Nathan had arrived at the main office at the headquarters and watched as the large line was filled with humans and monsters looking to apply. Monsters ranging from Lamia's to birds of prey decorated the office with excitement and glee. Best part was, they were all very cute.

"I can help whoever's next!" A helpful receptionist finally called out to him after a very long wait, the line in front of him finally being empty.

 "Are you here to apply or to get interviewed?" She asked, glancing at him from her chair.

"Oh, I've already applied, just have the interview left to do." He said with a grin.

"Oh great, that'll save me some time." She said enthused and pulled out a sheet of paper that was covered in questions and handed him a pen.

"Desks are over there for filling those in. Hope you enjoy your time as a Host!" The receptionist smiled and quickly fixed her attention on the next guest behind him greeting them with a hello.

He quickly found his way  to a desk and smiled with excitement. Other and monsters were filling out papers as well, some of the monsters however required assistance from the staff in order to fill it in. It was finally time to decide what he wanted.  The questionaire started off with a simple question:

1. What is your preferred Monster? If it is available, it will take priority over other applicants. 

He sat there for a second, thinking over what he like to have. Did he want something furry and cute, or maybe a little exotic? His imagination went wild with the ideas he had concocted on numerous occasions. He really couldn't decide... They'd sure be cute no matter the one he was given. 

He wrote down, "Something nice and furry." A truthful answer to be sure. He was hoping for maybe a cat or dog, maybe even a wolf?

Next question:

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