Chapter 2: The Pain

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Nathan awoke some time the next morning, feeling exhausted. His head hurt, and his eyes felt dry. He clearly hadn't slept the whole last night. He looked around at his room and was confused. Apparently he was now in his bed, being cradled by his hellhound in a tight embrace. Her face was nuzzled in his chest, and she was quietly snoring. It would have been cute if he wasn't pinned to the bed.

He struggled for a moment, seeing if he could break out of Fenra's clutches. No use. Nathan would have to wait until she woke up. He was trying again to think of some way of getting out of her grip but Fenra started to stir, her ears twitching and fluffy tail swaying.

"Mmmm..." She nuzzled into his chest. "Good morning, Pet."

"Morning. Um, what happened last night? Why am I in my bed?"

She smirked and tousled his hair with her hand. "Oh nothing, darling. You were tired so I put you to bed. You looked so cute while you slept, so I decided to sleep in here instead. Your an excellent snuggler, by the way."

He groaned. "Part of me wants to believe that. The smarter part of me however says you did things to me I can't remember."

She simply gave him a wink.

That did it.

"Yeah, okay. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that. Will you please let me go, so I can take a shower and get dressed?"

"I don't know, Pet. I'm pretty comfortable with the way things are right now..."

He sighed. "Pretty please?"

She finally relented. "I guess so, only because your so well behaved."

She released her hold on him, and he shot up, yawning and stretching his arms. "Your a kind master." He said sarcastically as he crept his way over to his bathroom, leaving Fenra on the bed alone.

Nathan stopped to look himself in the mirror. He looked ragged, small bags under his eyes. The "love mark" that was on his neck hadn't seemed to fade at all. Didn't hurt though, so that was something.

He got undressed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water beat down against him. It made him sleepy, and he wished he could take a nap. He closed his eyes, trying to rub away the dryness that had taken hold. As soon as he opened his eyes again he saw a silhouette standing in the doorway. Fenra must have been checking up on him.

He groaned in a pleading tone. "Please Fenra, I really don't have the time for this. I promise to do whatever you want later. I just really need this shower alone."

The silhouette disappeared from the doorway, and he let out a sigh of relief. At least Fenra could be reasoned with. Although if she really wanted to, she could just pin him to the ground and do whatever she wanted. Here's hoping that wouldn't happen.

The rest of his shower time had gone smoothly, and Nathan was grateful. He got dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, it was still the middle of summer after all. He still felt sleepy, so Nathan decided to make up a pot of coffee in his kitchen. Something told him that he would need it.

After making the pot and pouring his own cup with his favorite vanilla creamer in it, he sat down on his living room couch and turned on the news. Nothing much was really going on, the monster program had mellowed out most world affairs. Of course you still had naysayers and people who disagree with the program, but nothing is universally accepted by everyone.

He heard Fenra's voice behind him.

"Pet, what is that delicious scent? I smelled it from your room." She was wearing one of his longer t shirts, which Nathan assumed she'd been going through his clothing cabinet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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