Lactose intolerant - Lirry (LT+NH)

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Niall and Louis were similar in many ways, they both had bright blue eyes, loved the same things and absolutely adored their new parents.

However there was one major thing that was different. Niall was lactose intolerant. Now this wasn't a problem when Niall was home, as Liam and Harry could control what Niall ate but due to him being only 4 he didn't understand himself why he couldn't eat all the things that his twin Louis ate.

His parents had tried to explain to him that it will make him feel poorly but poor Niall just didn't understand how something he ate could make him poorly.

With the twins now at school, having just started reception, they had started to make friends and play with other children rather than just with each other.

They were both still extremely close but were discovering new things everyday that the other didn't like.

For example Louis loved to play outside with a football so many of his friends shared his interest of sports.

Niall on the other hand was much more content inside just drawing and playing with toys such as small race cars.

Both boys had mutual friends as well and it was a mutual friend that was having a birthday party meaning both boys had been invited.

As both boys had been invited it meant that Liam could stay when the boys were their while Harry was at work and make sure Niall avoided anything with lactose in it.

However his idea was ruined when Louis woke up sick and couldn't attend the party.

(Liam's point of view)
'Daddy wakey wakey its Luke's birthday party today!'

'I'm awake Ni but we still have quite some time before the party.'

Niall didn't like that answer so sat on my back and started jumping, before realising someone was missing from the bed.

'Where's papa?'

'He's at work baby.'

'But it's a home day?'

'I know but his work is short staffed and they need people to work.' Harry worked for the police and therefore often got called in on short notice.


'Papas job is really important remember when he took you and Lou with him and showed you guys around.'

'Yeah, I just miss him when he's not here.'

'I know Ni but he will be home when we get back from the party and we can all watch a film yeah?'

'Okay daddy.'

He then rolled off of my back and laid in Harry's space giving me puppy dog eyes.

'Please get up daddy, pretty please.'

'Okay Ni I'm getting up, stay here while I go and get ready.'

'Can I watch spongebob?'


He then cuddled up with his comfort blanket that I didn't even know he had with him, stuck his thumb in his mouth and watched the telly, giving it his full attention.

I returned 10 minutes later to see Niall still staring intently at the telly. He looked so adorable. His hair was a mess, he had his blanket tight in his grasp and his thumb in his mouth.

Me and Harry were desperately trying to get Niall and in fact Louis to stop sucking their thumbs but it was hard as that was the only thing they had to comfort them for years.

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