The past is the past - Nouis (LP)

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So both of these requests were extremely similar in terms of plot and if I wrote them separately they would be pretty much identical so I've combined the two.
Request for: m_769l and lu0715

"Come on Li wake up, we need you up and downstairs as your dad and I are leaving in 30 minutes."

"And you need me up because?" I questioned him while opening one eye. I mean it was Saturday morning who wants to get up at 8am.

"I just do love." He said and I sighed sitting up but wincing as soon as I did as a sharp pain shot through my head.

"Li come on get up don't go faking a headache just because you can't be bothered to get out of bed."

"For your information I have got a headache." I said as I slowly got up grabbing onto my bed as I wobbled. This better not be a bloody migraine.

"Hmm yeah you keep telling yourself that but just make sure your downstairs within 30 minutes." He said as he walked away I'm guessing to wake Harry. You see my dad and pop we're going away this weekend on a romantic break and they were leaving Harry and I home alone. I didn't have a problem with this but if this was a migraine it was going to be a challenge as I'm incapable of doing anything for myself when I get one.

I sighed and slowly walked to the bathroom once I had gained my balance and once I was done walked slowly downstairs not bothering to get dressed as I wasn't planning on leaving the house.

"Ah there you are Li, now there's a couple of things I want to go over." My dad started but I just drowned his voice out knowing all he was talking about was how to work the heating etc. You wouldn't think I had been home alone before and already knew this stuff. I get this speech every time.

"Li." I snapped my head up at my dads voice and instantly winced at the pain.

"What?" I questioned rubbing my forehead.

"I said do you have any questions?" He said and I just shook my head but regretted that straight away as well.

"No." I said and dad nodded.

"Good, do you want any breakfast?" He asked.

"No Thanks I'm not hungry." I mumbled laying my head on the table.

"You Okay Love, Your very quiet this morning." My dad said and I sighed.

"Headache, think it's going to turn into a migraine." I said and dad sighed.

"I'm sure your be fine love, it probably won't get to migraine stage. Just take some paracetamol now and hopefully your be fine." He said and I sighed getting up and searching through the cupboard for some paracetamols. Harry then came down being his usual loud self.

"Morning dad." He said happily sitting down and then Pops soon appeared.

"Right kiddos were leaving, be good and please try to get on I don't want to come home and find that you've destroyed each other." Pops said.

"Not promising anything." I heard Harry say jokingly as Pops glared at him.

"Right come on then lou, we're see you two tomorrow afternoon." Pops said kissing both are foreheads before dad did the same and before I knew it they were gone.

"Right I'm going out see ya later bro." Harry said getting up and picking his skateboard up. I don't even know he'd brought that down and then he was gone as well. Looks like I'm going to be home alone.

"Hey Li, I'm home." I heard Harry call out later that day. I had been on the sofa trying to fall asleep for the past couple of hours and Harry's call scared me causing me to fall of the sofa.

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