Hoilday sickness (part 1) - Lirry (LT)

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Request for: futureauthorkm5

"Harry I don't know if we should still be going on hoilday, I mean he's really sick." I said as Harry was finishing last minute packing.

"Louis will be fine in a couple of days the warm weather will hopefully help as well. We haven't been on hoilday since we had the twins and that was nearly a year ago. He'll be fine trust me. Plus really it's just a bad cold."

"I know he'll be fine it's just we're going on a plane which the twins haven't experienced before and louis' sick which is going to make the process 10 times harder."

"Li both the boys have been looking forward to this for months plus it's only Spain it's 2 hours on a plane it will be fine." Harry said and I just nodded leaving the room to check on Niall.

"Hey bug." I said walking into his room where he was gathering the stuff he wanted to take on the plane with him and dumping them next to his rucksack.

"Daddy." He said before smiling up at me.

"You want any help?"

"Please." He said and I sat down on the floor before placing his chosen things into his rucksack.

"Is that defiantly everything you want?"

"Yeah apart from blankie but I want that tonight." Niall said and I nodded.

"That's fine love just don't forget it in the morning." I said and he nodded.

"Can I go and see loulou?" He asked me then but I shook my head. We'd been keeping the boys separate all day to avoid Niall catching the cold as the last thing we needed was both the boys sick on holiday.

"No I'm sorry love, but you don't want to be poorly when we're on hoilday." I said and he sighed.

"No I wanna go swimming and play on the beach." He said with a smile and I chuckled.

"I'm sure you do, now why don't you go and play in the play room for an hour before we get you ready for bed as we have to be up early tomorrow so it's going to be early bedtime tonight." I said and Niall nodded before running off into the playroom while I moved onto louis' room where I'd left him packing his own suitcase. However when I walked into his room he was led on his bed sniffling and coughing.

"Oh Love." I said and when he saw me he looked up and made grabby hands towards me.

"You Okay sweetheart?" I asked and he sniffled resting his head on my chest.

"Feel poorly Daddy." He croaked and i sighed sitting on his bed rubbing his back as he coughed.

"Do you want some medicine." I asked him and he nodded slowly.

"Alright come on then." I said standing up and carrying him downstairs sitting him on the kitchen unit.

"Here lou." I said holding out a spoonful of calpol which he took without fuss.

"That should help okay baby." I said and he just nodded reaching for me.

"Hang on Baby while were here I just want to check your temperature." I said getting that out the cupboard.

"Why you got that one? That one a doctor one." Louis croaked before coughing.

"I know the old one broke and they didn't have any of the same ones so we brought this one instead plus their meant to be more accurate." I explained turning it on.

"Hold still Baby." I said and he nodded as I gently placed it in his ear.

"That quick." Louis said and I nodded.

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