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I turned on the FaceTime camera as I saw the girls faces pop up.

E- Hey Benzo,
H- Hey Buttah,
H- Guys, I have news
S- Your not cheating on Caleb, Are you?
She had a serious look on her face as she glared through the camera.

I just blurted it out and the girls just stared at me with excited but shocked looks on their faces.

Emily was the first to speak saying "omg, if I was there I would hug you so tight right now!"

After an hour or so, I went upstairs to get ready for our first ultrasound as I was already 8 weeks.

Caleb and I had already talked about names and we knew what our babies name would be depending on the gender.

We were both so excited to be parents the only thing I was worried about was meeting Caleb's mom and telling her I was pregnant in the same weekend❤️❤️

I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and got dressed into a black maxi dress with red converse.
I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom sat at the island giving Caleb another pep talk.

"Guys, I'm ready, I wanna go see my baby!"
I squealed in excitement as Caleb walked over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug to calm my nerves
He whispered in my ear "I love you so flipping much, you and our baby!"
We walked to the car his arm slung over my shoulder his other placed gently on my small growing bump ❤️❤️

I flinched as the cold gel was placed onto my stomach. I saw the small image of my baby pop up onto the screen. My mom cried and Caleb squeezed my hand tightly as I said "Caleb, that's our baby!" He wrapped me in a tight hug as I pulled the ultrasound pictures out of my pocket ❤️❤️

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