Bright white lights

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Listening to the sound of the song 'let it go' was starting to give me a headache but I couldn't leave two sleeping children on their own especially in our situation.

I watched Ail rub her eyes sleepily "Mommy, when can we go see grandma Dee Dee?"

I thought to myself, great, another thing to remind myself of Caleb.

I tried to explain gently but of course she went off in a sulk, she gets more like her dad every day.

"Why don't we watch another movie?"
I said scared to take them out unless we saw Caleb again.

She pouted looking at me "I don't love you anymore mommy, I want to go with daddy!"

She stomped off to her bedroom.

Looking at the clock, I realised another day had passed, another day being a single mom.

I put Hope in her crib, tucking her in with her pink blanket and switched on the night light.

I walked down the corridor to see Ailyn laid on her bed crying.

She noticed the bed move as I sat on the end of it
"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm sorry for being a rubbish mom!"

I felt her put her arms around me

"I miss daddy!"

I kissed her forehead trying to hold back the tears "Me too,"

I carried her to my bed, tucking her on and climbing in next to her.

I kissed her head, underneath her short dark curls.  "I love you princess,"

I don't know why I said that, all it reminded me of was our wedding vows, when I mentioned the endless flirting in detention and the make out sessions in my very pink teenage bedroom. I remembered when I would tell Caleb I was fine and then when he was gone I became bulimic, I felt trapped in my own skin, but then I had kids and I got married and I had to grow up way too quick. Having a kid at 16 and another at 21 and being a single mom by 22, I wouldn't change it give up my kids for the world but I just wish I could have seen into the future and known Caleb was gonna leave me.

I was awoken from my thoughts when someone banged harshly on the door

"Who is it!" I shouted quietly trying not to wake the kids

"Rosewood Pd, let us in!"

I opened the door

"Can you be quiet, my kids are asleep!"
"Mrs Rivers, your husband  MM. Caleb Rivers and Miranda Robinson were in a car crash, could you come to the hospital!"know

"No, I'll give you his mom's number, I have to look after my young children, and by the way, my name is Miss Marin!"
I shut the door behind me and slid down the wall, eventually crying myself to sleep.

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