Small bump❤️❤️

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I opened the dresser drawer placing the tiny pink onesies in. The crib sheets were put on the mattress and the stuffed animals placed in the rocking chair that Toby built. Her name was hung above the changing table and the small pink baby booties on the shelf of the bookshelf near her first ultrasound pictures.

Our baby would be here soon, it was unbelievable, it's Christmas Eve tomorrow. We'd brought presents for the baby and she wasn't even born yet. Everyone was coming over for Christmas and we were gonna reveal the name to everyone.

I placed the cookies and the glass of milk on the fireplace, the rooms were dark with everyone asleep. Only one bed empty in the whole house, the crib which hopefully wouldn't be empty much longer.

I slid into bed next to Hanna and placed my hand on her stomach, gentle with not enough force to wake her up.

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