Apartment Hunting

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The above picture is an example of the final apartment layout.

    "Thank you for accepting me into your school Mr. Suoh," the dark haired girl said with a bright smile, a mere ten days after she had been given the idea to transfer schools. "Although... I didn't think I would have passed the entrance exam."

    "Nonsense, Ouran Academy is honored to have someone with your academic background," Mr. Suoh replied. He picked up a file that was lying open on his desk. "And might I add, you did more than just pass the entrance exams, you got a perfect score!"

    "I did," Kim replied in shock, eyes looking like they were going to bulge out of her head. "But I guessed on, like, three of them because I couldn't figure them out." She snapped her fingers in front of her. "Damn, I'm good!" When she was finished speaking she had a smirk on her face, and was stroking a nonexistent beard, which caused the chairman to laugh.

    "You're well traveled, fluent in three languages and still learning, been at the top of your class since kindergarten, play two musical instruments, and have participated in various sports," the chairman read from the file. He seemed to be impressed. "How have you managed all this," he asked curiously.

    "I started to live with my father when I was eight. My father's in the army, and naturally, he has to travel, so... I spent most of my time alone reading whatever I could get my hands on, and exploring wherever we were. I picked up a lot of random information here and there, especially the languages. I was also home schooled, and that allowed me to advance much faster than normal. I never really had much interest in learning to play an instrument, but then while we were stationed in Spain, I guess you could say the piano just grew on me. I also learned to play the guitar thanks to my father's best friend." She had to laugh at the memory of her father's big and scary best friend playing the guitar and singing of past loves. "The only sports I've participated in were volleyball, soccer, and track. Though that was only while we were stationed in New York for two years, and it was only because of my best friend's constant nagging. She wanted me to join the cheerleading team with her, but that was where I drew the line."

    "Marvelous! Although, I'm sorry to tell you that Ouran does not have any girls' sports due to a lack of participation," Yuzuru informed the girl sadly. As an afterthought, he added, "Although we could try to start up a cheerleading team."

    "No thank you. I never even wanted to play any sports in the first place," replied Kim with wide eyes, mentally praying that he would forget about the cheerleading thing.

    "Well then, why don't we talk about where you will be living, because if I do remember correctly all Lobelia students live in dorms, and you are in need of housing," the man brought up.

    "Well actually I was looking into getting an apartment that's nearby." She pulled a sparkly silver notebook with a cursive light blue K in the center. As she flipped through the book, she reminded him of another dark haired student. "Or possibly one that's in the city. I did some research last night on the internet, and I compiled a list. I was actually going to go visit a few today since I don't want to be living out of a hotel for an entire year."

    "Students are not permitted to acquire jobs," the chairman stated, causing the teen to look at him strangely.

    "I don't need a job sir. I have more than enough money to support myself." It was the chairman's turn to look confused. After she had given him her explanation, the chairman gave her a look of praise.

    "About your school uniform," Mr. Suoh started.

    "I refused to wear that puffy sleeved monstrosity you call the girls' uniform," Kim deadpanned. "I like dresses, but I refuse to wear that one. So would it be alright if I wear the boys' uniform instead?"

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