Accidents Happen

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    The afternoon sun shone through the curtains and into the living room, coating the two slumbering teenaged girls in a warm glow. The black haired girl rolled over on the bed tangled in a small blue blanket, burying her face in a cat shaped pillow. Letting out a soft groan, she propped herself up on her forearms, and squinted in the harsh natural lighting. Sitting up fully, she brought up a hand to wipe away the little trail of drool from the side of her lip.

    Well that's attractive, she mused as she stood up. She grabbed her phone off the coffee table, and pressed down on the round button making the large screen light up. It's only elven. I guess I'll go take a shower. Maybe Haruhi could show me a good place to get lunch, she thought as her stomach let out a low menacing growl. Wow, I'm quite the catch. I drool and my stomach growls like some wild animal. Can you say sexy?

    Her feet padded silently as she made her way towards her closet. As she eyed the selection of clothing, she cursed her best friend. She didn't understand the hype about buying clothes, but she couldn't judge her best friend, since she was the exact same way when it came to beauty products; body sprays, perfumes, bath bombs, face masks, lipsticks, etc. It was her guilty pleasure, considering she grew up with a bunch of sweaty soldiers.

    The black haired girl was by no means vain; she just couldn't help getting excited whenever she was able to explore the makeup isle at the grocery store or the kiosks at the mall whenever she got the chance. Although she was never able to buy very much with her limited amount of money, she did enjoy browsing and getting free samples.

    She shook her head to clear her mind, and picked out a few articles of clothing before walking over to her dresser where she pulled out some underwear and a tank top before making her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she turned on the water and undressed while waiting for the water to heat up before she took a seat at the shower station beside the tub. She felt her shoulders relax as she let the warmed water pour down on her, instantly waking her up. Reaching over, she picked up the bottle of her favorite cherry scented shampoo and squirted a small amount into her palm. After washing her hair, she scrubbed her body with her floral scented body wash.

    Stepping out of the shower twenty minutes later, she debated whether or not she should fill the bathtub and have a nice long soak. Letting out a sigh, she decided to skip the soak as she wrapped her fluffy towel around her body.

    Walking out of the bathroom, she was greeted with the slightly chilled air of the washroom. Giving a slight shiver, she quickly put on her underwear and a white tank top. After blow-drying her hair, she pulled the top half up into a messy ponytail before putting on some light makeup and a coat of minty lip balm. After giving herself a once over – You sexy bitch! – she slipped on a pair of blue jean shorts, a pink and white plaid shirt. Walking over to the shoe closet by the entrance she placed her ever-faithful pair of Converse to the side.

    Looking over at the brown haired girl still fast asleep on the sofa, she decided that it was time she woke up. With that thought in mind, she silently crept up on the sleeping girl. Bending over so that her face would be leveled with the other girl's, she shouted, "Wakey, wakey Ha-ru-hi!"

    When Haruhi opened her eyes she was greeted with Kim's face hovering just two inches away from her own. Startled, the girl let out a shout as she scrambled away from the minty breath devil.

    "Sempai," Haruhi gasped out as she tried to calm her racing heart. She let out a breath. "What time is it?"

    "Umm," Kim pulled out her cell phone from her pocket, "almost twelve. So, how about we go out and get some lunch? Know any good places? I was thinking about going downtown and visiting the shops. S'not like I have anything to do today anyways."

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