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"Will someone please bring me my water?" Aubrey shooed away the intern that was applying the finishing touches to her makeup. She wiped delicately under her eyelid, careful not to screw up her fresh mascara. If I know Aubrey, there is one thing she absolutely cannot stand and that is clumpy mascara.

"Can someone get me one too?" I asked.

It was an average day in London except that it was close to 90 degrees in the middle of May. We were having an unexpected heat wave for the past four days and I was curious as to just when it was going to end. I was always so fond of England because I very much enjoyed the cold weather. If I wanted to sweat all day long I would've just moved to the freaking Tropics for Christ sake.

"Did Brad ever text you?" Aubrey turns to me while I roll my eyes.

"No, I told you he ended it and I told him that he can go and f—"

"Here's your water Ms. Wynters." Liam, our manager, came over and personally handed me my drink.

Aubrey enviously eyed Liam waiting on me and spoke up, "Hey, where's—"

"I'll be right with you." He turned towards Aubrey and I could tell by her face that she was resisting the urge to flip him off. Love her, but we all know that if she isn't the first one noticed, then there may be a scheduled hissy fit in about three . . . two . . .

"Well that's incredibly douche bag of him," Aubrey inputted. Ah, and there it was. "And I don't just mean Liam, you know." I laughed. Of course she wanted to bring Brad up again. I wondered if she knew that Brad and I had been over for about two months but neither of us said anything about the matter. She didn't even bother to ask, she was too consumed in her own glamorous life to really care about mine. She occasionally included me in it, I mean after all I was her best friend but while she was trying to get into every modeling agency possible, I was juggling modeling and med school. And not just any med school; St. George's University.

I was studying to be a surgeon but I could never tell Aubrey that. To her, doing any type of activity besides standing there waiting for someone else to wait on you hand and foot is just appalling. Hell, I think attending just about any college was too dull for a girl like Aubrey anyway, minus the occasional frat and sorority parties. This of course, would be the only reason she would ever even consider university.

"How did it happen, anyway?" Suddenly, Aubrey's voice broke me out of my reverie. As I looked over to her, in an attempt to swoosh my blonde bangs out of my face without having to manually do it, I noticed that she was clutching her water bottle in her left hand. Wow had I seriously just gone off to another world for God knows how long that I didn't even notice Liam coming back here? One of my downfalls is clearly giving in to my imagination and letting it take over. Something that always got me in trouble in school, for sure. But if I want to attend med school, I'm going to have to learn how to have some self-discipline.

"What?" I asked, clearly still disoriented from my little lapse.

"With Brad, did he at least do it in person?" Aubrey leaned in closer, as if what we were saying was highly confidential information. Which it was nothing of the sort, the relationship was in no way serious. He was too conceited for me and besides, I simply do not have time for a boyfriend. And that was okay with me.

"If you count a video he sent me of himself over text message as 'in person' then sure."

Aubrey gave me her best sympathetic look. I could tell she was trying so hard to act like she cared, but I knew she really didn't. It was okay, though. That's how it always has been and I guess I just don't mind because I know how to handle myself. "Oh, honey," she reached over and tugged my bangs behind my ear, completely destroying my previous attempts for the past five minutes. I silently thanked her. "Forget him. Tonight, I'm taking you out.

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