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"Remember the hot new club I mentioned earlier? It's called Remedies or something like that. I called my assistant and asked her to pull a few strings so that we could get in tonight. So, you're welcome."

As I walked to campus, Aubrey kept going on and on about how we were going to have so much fun tonight at this strip club but honestly, I wasn't feeling up to it at all. I had just hung up the phone on her, hoping that she wouldn't call back. I gave her some lame excuse and rushed to my Anatomy class. Once I knew that I was in the safety of the enclosed classroom walls, learning about the different terminologies for leg bones could not have been any more interesting.

Soon enough, my time in class came to an end and I struggled with my umbrella as I lagged in the doorway. I finally got it to remain opened and began walking out of the campus to get to my apartment that was just around the corner. The wind blew hard, causing my shit umbrella to turn inside out and I dropped all of the books in my hand. 

Cursing, I bent down to pick them up when the textbook cover flew open, causing my essay to fly with the wind. I silently cursed myself for writing it so early, the professor wouldn't accept it until the due date. He was so old fashioned that he wouldn't even allow type-written assignments. I had prayed that the rainwater wouldn't smudge the ink of my pen.

As I frantically picked up the heap of my books I ran as fast as I could to retrieve where the paper landed. Before I could get to it, I watched as a giant combat boot stepped right on it.

"No! Excuse me!" I yelled, rushing over.

The man bent down and picked the paper up, glancing it over. As I got closer, I realized that it was the guy from the photoshoot earlier. The one with the snake tattoo and killer dimples. Harry.

"What is wrong with you?" I snatched the paper out of his hand to inspect it. A wave of fear rushed through me as I bore my gaze into the giant shoe print stamped all over the front page.

"Oh I'm sorry. If I had realized this was yours I would've made sure to rip the whole thing up," his tone was sarcastic. I tried to wrap my head around his words but the longer I did the more I didn't understand. What was his problem?

"Why? I don't even know you, why do you have to be such a—"

"A what? Go on, say it," he interrupted harshly. He lowered his head to lean in closer to me for effect. I could tell by the amused expression on his face that he was getting entertainment out of this.

I squinted my eyes up at him and harshened my expression. I shook my head, not giving in to his little game. He certainly did not deserve a response, even a mean one.

He smiled as if he wanted me to act this way towards him. It occurred to me that maybe he got a kick out of my look of disgust since he's probably used to girls fawning over him all of the time. No one would ever admit to his face how horrible his attitude actually is. Sickened by the thought, I put my ruined essay safely back inside of my textbook and sighed. Before I could get the chance to walk past him, he spoke again. "What's a model doing on a college campus anyway?"

Anxiety came over me as soon as the words left his lips. I couldn't have this encounter getting out to anybody so I adverted the question. "I don't see how that's any of your business. What's an illiterate asshole doing on a college campus?"

I rolled my eyes and gestured past him to get the hell away. Before I can pass him, he scoffs,  "You clearly have never heard of fraternity boys." 

Noelle's attire in this chapter lookin' all scholastic and shiiz lmao:

and ya that's it hope you enjoyed, I love giving visual representations of what Harry and Noelle look like each chapter so I think I'm going to continue doing that

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and ya that's it hope you enjoyed, I love giving visual representations of what Harry and Noelle look like each chapter so I think I'm going to continue doing that. :) Love you all xx.

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